You are willing to extend yourself for those you love, even when it means you must get along with less. You have strong sentimental ties with your family so that you could have some difficulty relating to people other than your family in a person-to-person relationship. Your loyalty to people you love is admirable, but it can interfere with forming meaningful outside contacts. You are possessive with the objects of your affections to they may feel unable to do anything without first asking your permission or at least discussing it with you. You don’t want to be excluded from any situation your lover may be involved with and you can wear out your welcome unless you change your attitude.
Basically shy, yet susceptible to kindness and flattery, you are uncomfortable with persons who are overly aggressive. You are essentially a dreamer who dwells on romantic imaginings or reveries to satisfy your emotional longings. You are therefore very vulnerable to partners or associates with charming personalities and refinement.
You are unrealistic in facing the harsh realities of life and may postpone taking a partner you are waiting for the nearly perfect individual to come into your life. You are inclined to go more than halfway in making concessions if it will produce greater harmony. Be careful you don’t allow others to abuse your generosity by making excessive demands on you. Your protective instincts are probably stronger than most and you would defend the one you love in spite of the demands being made.
Your career interest might include such professions as law, politics, business management and arbitration. You should also find much fulfillment working with people in social activities as are found in clubs, societies, encounter therapy and counseling. Your mature and polished common sense prevails when there are disagreements in which you are involved.
You are gifted in occupations requiring some business sense, and your ability in management is considerable. You are a no-nonsense person and appreciate the efforts of those who are organized for action. Take care you aren’t obstinate in your opinions and learn to let others make their own decisions. They may learn more when they realize why they failed.
Not content to stand still for very long, you eagerly assert yourself in your affairs. You are usually well informed on every facet of the enterprises you have so that you are able to successfully manage them. You enjoy competition and the risks associated with challenging situations. You never believe you will not succeed, and this raises the probability of success.
Your greatest lesson will come from your relationships and how well you can handle them. Compromise is essential to bring out the very best in you and those you deal with. It is urgent that you give others the same respect you demand from them.
Shortly after the language bill was passed unanimously in the Congress to become a law that would provide a better understanding of the business transactions for inexperienced non-English local speakers, the President technically vetoed it because she found the translations were not only too embarrassing and scary but also very vulgar and obscene.
Below are the few samples of the accounting terms, with what the locals would likely take as the appropriate double-entente in parenthesis:
Asset - Ari (popularly referred to as the male organ)
Fixed asset - Nakatirik na ari (organ in erection)
Liquid asset - Basang ari (wet organ)
Solid asset - Matigas na ari (hardened organ)
Owned asset - Sariling pag aari (one’s organ)
Other asset - Ari ng iba (other’s organ)
False asset - Ari-ari-an (tiny organ)
Miscellaneous asset - Iba-ibang klaseng ari (different kinds of organ)
Asset write off - Pinutol na pag aari (dismembered organ)
Depreciation of asset - Laspag na pag aari (wilted or worn-out organ)
Fully depreciated asset - Laspag na laspag na pag aari (organ in its worst lamentable state)
Earning asset - Tumutubong pag aari (hardening organ)
Working asset - Ganado pa ang ari (already satisfied organ)
Non-earning asset - Baldado na ang ari (already exhausted or over-used organ)
Erroneous entry - Mali ang pagka pasok (penetrated by error)
Double entry - Dalawang beses ipinasok (penetrated two times)
Multiple entry - Labas pasok nang labas pasok (in and out in succession)
Correcting entry - Itinama ang pagpasok (rectifying the penetration)
Reversing entry - Baligtad ang pagkakapasok (penetration by the rear)
Dead asset - Patay na ARI (The ORGAN is dead and kaput!)
Today before you think of saying an unkind word
Think of someone who can't speak
Before you complain about the taste of your food
Think of someone who has nothing to eat
Before you complain about your husband or wife
Think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion
Today before you complain about life
Think of someone who went too early to heaven
Before you complain about your children
Think of someone who desires children but they're barren
Before you argue about your dirty house; someone didn't clean or sweep
Think of the people who are living in the streets
Before whining about the distance you drive
Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet
And when you are tired and complain about your job
Think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had your job
But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another
Remember that not one of us are without sin and we all answer to one maker
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down
Put a smile on your face and thank God you're alive and still around
Life is a gift
Live it...
Enjoy it...
Celebrate it...
And fulfill it.
Vous êtes brillant et actif ; mais vous avez besoin d’obscurité et de passivité. C’est cet aspect moins spectaculaire de votre nature que vous devez cultiver. Vous attirez le respect et l’attention de vos associes, mais vous êtes complètement dépendant des principes et des aspirations de votre moi profond. Votre vraie nature, douce et dépendante, ne doit pas être masquée par votre brillante intelligence.
Vous êtes force d’accepter les objectifs égoïstes et souvent violents des autres. Ne faites que ce qui est nécessaire pour réaliser les projets de vos supérieurs. Ne cherchez pas à détruire simplement parce que vous en avez le droit. Ceux qui vous utilisent sont les seuls responsables de la situation.
Ne soyez pas surpris si vous vous éloignez des buts et des idéaux que vous étiez fixes. Mais vous savez que la possession matérielle et le rang social ne sont qu’illusions. Vous avez obtenu ce que vous désiriez, mais vous ne vous êtes pas encore réalise totalement. Votre bonheur n’est pas parfait. Mais il est absurde d’éprouver de la tristesse alors que tous vos efforts ont été couronnes de succès. Ni le bonheur, ni le malheur ne doivent vous atteindre ; vivez pleinement le moment pressent, soyez radieux comme le soleil a son zénith.
Le avversita di questo momento della vita hanno portato isolamento, dolore, sfiducia. Una delusione dopo l’altra alle quali ci si e adattati. Non si vede uno spiraglio di luce, una speranza per rialzari. E necessario avere coraggio e cercare dentro se stessi la volonta di superare gli attuali, pericolosissimi ostacoli. Non e favorevole nelle questioni sentimentali: indica rotture o difficolta finanziarie.
Non e bene cercare di risolvere i problemi con la fretta. L’importante e riuscire a non farsi piegare dalla sofferenza.
Non bisogna pensare di compiere grose azioni. La prima tappa e quella di togliersi di dosso una situazione negativa. Quando sara riconquistata la liberta mentale, ogni cosa diventera piu facile
Un periodo ricco di speranza: tutto e gioia e successo. L’avvenire non e fonte di preoccupazione. Bisogna riflettere prima che sia troppo tardi e prevedere questo rischio di cambiamento di rotta; se si riesce a prevenire gli avvenimenti, si potra essere padroni della situazione.
ARIES. This will be a favorable period when you will feel victorious to see a major hope fulfilled with good news on something of a rather personal nature. Try to be tactful and diplomatic when dealing with people who appear to oppose your views and opinions.
TAURUS. Capitalize your talents to the full and develop them by embarking on a training scheme of some kind. Try to remain level-headed whatever transpires. You could likely lose friends if you allow matters to go to your head and possibly turn them off by your change in attitude.
GEMINI. This period is favorable for advancement, material gain and assistance. Your career could prosper especially if someone influential chooses to put in a good word for you. Your financial affairs could improve, but there could likely be a certain element of risk that you are better off not do anything foolish no matter how well things seem to be going for you.
CANCER. Keep a low profile and do nothing radical during this period. If however you decide to ignore this warning, you should be prepared for disappointment, failure, interference and screwed up plans.
LEO. Friendship would be in a particularly pleasant and harmonious phase. It should be possible to find amicable solutions to old quarrels and arguments which can now be viewed from a different angle.
VIRGO. Love is once again of prime concern with a holiday feeling and a foreign travel likely possible. This would certainly be a happy period to spend with family, friends and loved ones.
LIBRA. Avoid being defiant and learn to bow to the inevitable as this is a time to learn how to be humble. Once you have regained self-control you will see there are other avenues open for you to explore.
SCORPIO. You should be alert and ready to take action at the slightest hint of trouble so that any problems can be dealt with before they have time to get out of hand. Important messages can be expected which may be of a confidential nature.
SAGITTARIUS. Good fortune can manifest itself in various ways which may come about as the justly deserved reward for hard work, in the guise of a gift or out of the blue as the result of some happy accident of fate. You won’t run short of money to be able to enjoy this temporary period of affluence.
CAPRICORN. You’ll possibly make considerable progress but at a price as you will have to overcome many annoying worries and problems before you can reach your goal. Try to make your road a little easier by using the wisdom gained from past experience as a guide.
AQUARIUS. Love is very much your concern during this period. Personal gain could be possible through a liaison with a member of the opposite sex, not necessarily be the one with whom you are conducting a serious relationship.
PISCES. This week is highly favorable for business opportunities and travel. Stimulating developments would take place in your career which could prove to be a great success. There will be a new romantic attachment for you!
Whether you are ready or not, someday your life will come to an end.
There will be no more sunrises, no minutes, hours, or days.
All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten, will pass to someone else.
Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.
It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.
Your grudges, resentments, frustrations and jealousies will finally disappear.
So, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans and to-do lists will expire.
The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.
It won’t matter where you came from, or on what side of the tracks you lived at the end.
It won’t matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant, even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant.
So what will matter? How will the value of your days be measured?
What will matter is not what you bought, but what you built; not what you got, but what you gave.
What will matter is not your success, but your significance.
What will matter is not what you learned, but what you taught.
What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage or sacrifice that enriched, empowered, or encouraged others to emulate your example.
What will matter is not your competence, but your character.
What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel a lasting loss when you are gone.
What will matter is not your memories, but the memories that live in those who love you.
What will matter is how long you will be remembered by whom and for what.
Living a life that matters doesn’t happen by accident.
It’s not a matter of circumstances, but of choice.
Choose to live a life that matters.
Vous entrez dans une période favorable à la réalisation de grands projets ou d’importants changements dans votre vie. Dans une situation aussi avantageuse, vous devez corriger vos défauts et vous en débarrasser progressivement. En amour, comme en toute chose, la générosité n’est souvent qu’une apparence. Si vous manifestez de la rancœur, c’est que vous êtes déçu ; si vous êtes déçu, cela indique que vous escomptez quelque chose ; si vous escomptez quelque chose, votre prétendue générosité n’est rien d’autre qu’un égoïsme déguise. Votre voie est celle du sacrifice personnel. De toute façon, votre réalisation spirituelle dépend de votre capacité à mettre votre force au service des autres.
Vos rapports avec les autres sont humains, généreux et désintéresses. Vous établissez facilement le contact avec les gens, même avec ceux qui se montrent hostiles envers vous. Votre amour des autres ne s’arrête pas aux différences culturelles. Il ne s’agit pas d’une simple similarité de vues et d’opinions. L’affection profonde que vous éprouvez pour les autres est naturelle. Vous ne pouvez la controler ou la diriger. Il se peut même que vous n’en soyez pas conscient. Selon les valeurs de notre société, vous n’êtes pas quelqu’un d’extraordinaire. Mais tous vos efforts seront couronnes de succès. Le temps est venu d’entreprendre de grands changements dans votre vie.
Non bisogna lasciarsi abbattere da avvenimenti sfavorevoli, ma quello che conta in questo periodo difficile e mantenersi prudenti e riservati e restare nell’ombra per non attirarsi critiche e inimicizie. Tuttavia questo oscuramento deve essere solo esteriore; all’interno de se conviene restare luminosi, allo scopo di continuare a lavorare nell’ombra e far trionfare la propria volonta quando le difficolta saranno appianate.
Ci si sente soli anche in mezzo alla folla, non ci si fida piu di niente e nessuno. Si consigliano prudenza e fiducia in se stessi. Non e bene isolarsi ma nemmeno farsi ingannare da persone disoneste che si approfittano della nostra fragilita.
E possibile conoscere i retroscena che ci erano ancora sconosciuti. Si consigia di mettersi al riparo prima che la situzione precipiti. Non si puo far altro che resistere e attendere di toccare il fondo poiche la fine naturale di chi e disonesto e quella di autodistruggersi.
ARIES. Begin searching for something new and altogether more fulfilling at all levels. This quest for new experience would likely be a beneficial move which should evoke many rewards in the future.
TAURUS. Try to slow down your pace and proceed with caution and circumspection. Greater care than usual should be taken to ensure good health if you wish to come through this period unscathed.
GEMINI. Grasp every chance that comes your way with both hands and to make it work for you. You should settle old scores and reconcile yourself to circumstances as they actually are. You will need to discipline yourself in order to regain self-control and become free of the constant swings of mood.
CANCER. Now is a good time to take a break from what you are doing, such as a short holiday or a few days off to relax and let yourself unwind a little. This could be beneficial on your health and physical well-being in the long run. Avoid trying to live your life on a head-on collision course with everyone else.
LEO. You are under an extremely favorable and fortunate period that could prove to be enjoyable and rewarding when happiness and success are well aspected. You’re in for new beginnings in both your private and professional life. Any plans made for the future are also almost certain to succeed.
VIRGO. You would possibly gain more personal freedom and escape from the restrictions previously imposed upon your movements. However, you could just as easily become tied down by personal preoccupations and feel trapped or bound by obligations. If you’re making long-term plans try to allow for the unforeseen by adding a few extra days or figures to your calculations.
LIBRA. Your dreams could come true and your dearest wishes would possibly become realities. This is a period of love and romance which might even develop into a more lasting relationship and could prove to be one of the happiest moments of your life. So, enjoy it while you may!
SCORPIO. This period promises new avenues to explore if you are willing to try something unknown and untested. However, you would need to be extremely flexible and should be prepared to change existing plans at the last moment. Take a time off and relax by exploring the natural beauty of your region and the neighboring surroundings.
SAGITTARIUS. Before making any decision, try to allow yourself sufficient time to see matters in perspective – as they really are and not just how they seem to be at a quick glance. Anything that has been going unexpectedly out of control could start to improve. As there is usually a price to be paid for most things in life, you may have to make a few voluntary sacrifices. C’est la vie!
CAPRICORN. Try to become one of a team and cooperate more with those around you to work together towards a common goal. Learn to be more tactful and to think before you speak as this could save a great deal of unpleasantness and embarrassment. You must never tell anyone a secret no matter how sympathetic or trustworthy their outward appearance may be.
PISCES. You’re likely to be promised financial rewards for a completed task. However, you should try to remain calm and patient when annoying set-backs occur. Don’t be too proud to accept any help that may be offered no matter how much you suspect the motives behind such a proposal – many hands make lighter work!
Born on Wednesday, 1 May 1963 at 8:30 AM in
You are determined, forceful, self-indulgent and resistant to change when someone else tries to force it on you. Wanting all the comforts of life, you are willing to apply yourself to get them and you don’t allow anyone to stand in your way. You are basically quite insecure and much preoccupied with using material acquisition to compensate for this emotional need. You tend to be a taker, not a giver, and for this reason it is essential that you learn to know when giving is as appropriate as receiving.
The one thing you can give that will not appreciably reduce your capital or assets, is your time and energy. You are enormously resourceful in capitalizing on your creative talents, and instinctively know how to translate your ideas into tangible assets. You are reasonably demanding in having your physical appetites satisfied, and you are really offended when your attentions and desires are rejected. You are slow to anger, but devastating when you are pushed beyond your limit.
You strive for a job with a future in it, one where you can gain tenure if possible, which it is if you use your creative potential imaginatively. You need to be more adaptable and utilize your talents more aggressively. Your main focus in life is in getting the kind of security that will give you the freedom to do all the things you postponed. It is to your credit that you know how to establish priorities and to apply yourself to your goals with great determination. The fact is, you want security, because you don’t want to depend on others for anything.
You have strong feelings that you constantly express. You love life and enjoy close relationships with people. You don’t wait for others to make gestures of friendship, but eagerly seek to make them feel at ease in your company. You want so much to be liked and loved that you dramatize your feelings toward others so they will respond to you in a similar fashion. In fact, you function best when you know others care for you. You have a hard time letting go of the past and yet your growth and development will be delayed unless you do. As an investment in your future, there are sacrifices you must make in the temporary pleasures you might indulge in.
You can easily detach yourself from people who are indifferent or uncaring. You are conservative toward people until they demonstrate their worth to you. Once this is done, you will project your feelings with determination, in anticipation of establishing a permanent relationship. You are clearly unimpressed by pomp and ostentatious display. As a matter of fact, you can be turned off by people who are turned on by that which is dramatic and showy. You are more concerned with honesty in your social encounters and sincerity in your personal relationships. You are especially appalled by the incredible lack of ethics among high government leaders.
You are thoughtful in your decisions because you don’t want to waste your time and making poor ones. You enjoy the benefits you gain from your efforts because you put a lot of thought and organization into your plans before you take any action. You can be a bit tiring, though, when the subject of your conversations almost invariably ends on the topic of money.
You are creatively inspired to bring great pleasure and enjoyment in your relationships. Give others the opportunity to get close enough to you to show you how much they can enrich your life similarly. You’ll never know until you try.
You have an ardent love nature and are constantly seeking to have it satisfied. Your eagerness and drive enable you to sustain the pursuit of the one you love, and you don’t endure any rejection without flying off the handle. You will go to extreme lengths to secure the affection of those you care for, and you are persistent until you succeed. Sometimes, though, your only motivation may be to satisfy your physical lust, which is considerable.
You are engaged in striving for nothing less than the best or the most. You have little patience with anyone who lacks drive and ambition. You need to be more thoughtful in voicing your opinions, though. Your defiance of restraint does not give you the privilege or freedom to ram your ideas down everybody’s throat. You may be a prankster, but others may not appreciate it and take you seriously.
Three women: a German, a Japanese and a hillbilly were sitting naked in a sauna. Suddenly, there was a beeping sound.
The German woman pressed her forearm and the beep stopped. The others looked at her questioningly. “That was my pager,” she said. “I have a microchip under the skin of my arm.”
A few minutes later, a phone rang. The Japanese woman lifted her palm to her ear. When she finished, she explained. “That was my mobile phone. I have a microchip in my hand.”
The hillbilly woman felt very low tech. Not to be outdone, she decided she must do something just as impressive. She stepped out of the sauna and went to the bathroom. She returned with a piece of toilet paper hanging from her behind. The others raised their eyebrows and stared at her
The hillbilly woman finally said, “Well, will you look at that! I’m getting a fax.”
Dear Pablo, Sara & Sophie,
The days have come down in the west much as the setting sun and now I find myself leaving for home. Twilight has come on my trip and I think back on all the good times that I have had and reminisce the fond memories of days well spent. From welcoming me into your home back in January to the celebration on my birthday in March on through the rest of my stay.
It was a wondrous gesture to give without knowing the nature of the guest you accommodate. Only an individual pure of heart and soul that is endowed with compassion is able to quarter a stranger in their house. I can not nor can my family ever truly recompense you and your family for allowing me to stay these past four months within your residence. I hope that in part I was able to display a portion of the kindness bestowed upon myself by you and your family.
From my family unto yours numerous thanks are imparted for the hospitality and generous nature demonstrated. God bless your house as you have blessed me. I will keep in contact with you but for now I am going, I bid you all a fond farewell.
May 13, 2006
Vous exercez une forte influence sur les autres, un contrôle direct sur certains éléments de leur vie. Vous occupez un rang social élevé, vous assumez d’importantes responsabilités, vous êtes entoure d’amis influents et – si vous êtes corrumpu – vous profitez de votre pouvoir. Vous avez légitiment atteint cette position, grâce a votre travail et a votre honnêteté. Ainsi pouvez-vous mener une vie extrêmement confortable. Mais vous devez accepter les nouvelles responsabilités qui surgissent quotidiennement dans le monde des hommes et des affaires, en affirmant résolument vos principes. Vous devez réaliser vos projets les plus importants, changer votre sphère d’activité en réagissant toujours naturellement et directement aux transformations sociales. Ainsi réussirez-vous dans les entreprises les plus difficiles.
Vous êtes oppose a une force supérieure a la votre. Soumettez-vous. Soyez prêt a agir des que l’équilibre des forces sera en votre faveur.
N’entreprenez aucune action importante. Vous vous heurteriez a l’incomprehension des autres. Mais ne choisissez pas non plus la voie de la stagnation.
Immaturita. Un comportamento privo di fermezza porta sfortunata. Cercare il consiglio di un esperto, di una persona matura, di un maestro, ed essere perseveranti., questa e la chiave pe ovviare agli errori commessa. Non fare troppe domande.
L’idea della giovinezza e della follia contraddistingue questo segno, ma presso un giovane la follia non e sempre cattiva: puo anzi portare al successo, perche l’inconcienza permette di superare certi ostacoli, mentre l’eccesso di prudenza spesso impedisce di avanzare. In questo genere di siuazione, il consiglio e di trovare un maestro ricco di esperienza e di aver coscienza dei propri limiti e della propria mancanza di esperienza. Tuttavia l’intervento del maestro deve restare a livello preventivo ed avere come scopo la limitazione degli eccessi della temerarieta.
Never, put your banana in the refrigerator!!!
This is interesting. After reading this, you'll never look at a banana in the same way again.
Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber.
A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.
Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.
But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.
Depression: According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptphan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.
PMS: Forget the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.
Anemia: High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.
Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it perfect to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.
Brain Power: 200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brainpower. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.
Constipation: High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.
Hangovers: One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.
Heartburn: Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body; so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.
Morning Sickness: Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.
ARIES. This could be a very testing and challenging week for you from all points of view. Therefore, you would certainly need to have your wits about you if you are to emerge from it unbeaten and unscathed. Be prepared for quick decisions brought about by unexpected events.
TAURUS. You should expect the unexpected that would greatly affect the final outcome of your development this week with challenges to meet which will prove extremely beneficial in the end. Important decisions will also be taken as a new phase in your life is trying to get under way. Make sure that your choices are realistic as this is not the time to indulge in wishful thinking.
GEMINI. This could be a delicate time when you will have to make some important decisions. So, be prepared to stand up for yourself and to have the courage of your own convictions. Be more independent and learn to take responsibility for yourself. Avoid acting impulsively and make sure that you allow yourself sufficient time to realize the full implications of these decisions and the far-reaching consequences a rash decision could have.
CANCER. This is likely a very remunerative period and the time to reap the rewards, so rightly deserved, for past efforts. Any speculative ventures have a very fair chance of paying dividends. Your affairs are likely to take a turn for the better and this beneficial upswing is likely to be caused by events over which you have no personal control. A recurring problem could also be solved through a rather strange set of circumstances.
LEO. You could be in for expansion and the opportunity for personal advancement. Now is the time to think a little bigger than usual, to push yourself and your ideas, and to climb a few rungs higher up the ladder of success. You may need to work harder than normal but the rewards should prove adequate compensation for all the extra effort required.
VIRGO. This will prove to be a restless and unsettled period when it will be difficult to know what to do for the best. A fairly major change in your lifestyle is highly possible such as job, residence, partner, or all three that you would make voluntarily or forced upon you against your will. You may seek comfort and advice through spiritual involvement or in a series of love affairs and brief relationships.
LIBRA. This period indicates a domestic slant when anything and everything can and probably will happen that could cover such major issues as marriage, childbirth, move of home, purchase of a new car, or a major redecoration of the house. Your intuition could help you find the answer to a long-standing problem which has hitherto been giving you a pain in the neck!
SCORPIO. A totally unexpected major change in personal circumstance is bound to take place any moment. What’s more, this change is likely to be the only possible solution to a prevailing situation however surprising this may seem. Long-standing plans and proposals might also need to be altered, or even aborted which is not a bad thing because it will leave you free to take up other, more exciting, offers when they arise.
SAGITTARIUS. You should be too lucky to feel extremely happy and confident during this week. You may choose to marry, set up home, have a baby, start a family, change job or move to another location. Your three most important keywords are change, happiness and love, in any order.
CAPRICORN. You would be too lucky to be blessed with a period of good fortune, fulfillment and possible travel. Good opportunities for personal advancement should arise that will make the immediate future appear more hopeful, secure and happy. Try to broaden your horizons and look at life on what it has to offer from a wider viewpoint than you have previously done. A new lease of life should be yours with sufficient energy to accomplish everything that you desire.
AQUARIUS. During this week, good fortune is the keyword which can manifest itself in various ways. It may come about as the justly deserved reward for hard work; it could come in the guise of a gift; or it could come out of the blue as the result of some happy accident of fate. However it does come, money will not be in short supply and you should enjoy this temporary period of affluence while it lasts. Be sure to put something away for a rainy day if you possibly can.
PISCES. You should be able to achieve a great deal during this period. However, your real reward will be the pleasure of accomplishing! If your health has previously been causing you some concern it should improve finally. You will look all set to enjoy a new lease of life.
Une femme cherche un cadeau pour l'anniversaire de son mari. Elle se dit: " Pourquoi pas un animal de compagnie ?"
Elle rentre dans une animalerie et tombe en arrêt devant une grenouille affichée à 10 000 euros !!! Elle demande au vendeur ce que la grenouille a de spécial pour valoir ce prix. Le vendeur répond : - "C'est parce qu'elle fait les fellations comme une déesse". La femme se dit que c'est vraiment original et qu'elle fera plaisir à son mari car elle n'aime pas trop faire ça. Et hop, elle achète la grenouille emballée dans son bocal.
Le soir, elle l'offre à son mari, lui souhaite de passer un bon moment et va se coucher. Elle s'endort et se réveille à 3 heures du matin. Son mari n'est plus devant la télé mais dans la cuisine, avec de la farine partout, des bocaux ouverts, la sauce tomate sur le tablier, un cassoulet qui mijote sous les yeux grands ouverts de la grenouille. La femme s'écrie : -" Mais qu'est-ce que tu fais ???" Le mari répond : Je lui apprends à faire la cuisine, et après tu te CASSES !!!
Un abogado mantiene un romance con su secretaria.
Al poco tiempo, ésta queda embarazada y el abogado, que no quiere que su esposa se entere, le da a la secretaria una buena suma de dinero y le pide que se vaya a parir a Italia.
Ésta pregunta: "¿Y como voy a hacerte saber cuando nazca el bebé?"
El abogado responde: "Para que mi mujer no se entere, tan sólo envíame una postal y escribe por detrás: "Spaghetti". Y no te preocupes de más, que yo me encargaré de todos los gastos."
Pasan los meses y una mañana la esposa del abogado lo llama al bufete, algo exaltada: "Querido, acabo de recibir el correo y hay una postal muy extraña de Italia. La verdad, no entiendo qué significa."
El abogado, tratando de ocultar sus nervios, contesta: "Espera a que llegue a casa, a ver si yo entiendo..."
Cuando el hombre llega a casa y lee la postal, cae al suelo fulminado por un infarto.
Llega una ambulancia y se lo lleva. Ya en el hospital, el jefe de cardiología se queda consolando a la esposa y le pregunta cuál ha sido el evento que precipitó tan masivo ataque cardíaco.
Entonces la esposa saca la postal y se la muestra diciéndole: "No me explico, doctor; él solamente leyó esta postal. Vea usted mismo lo que trae escrito."
"Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti. Tres con salchicha y albóndigas y dos con almejas. "
Superstition aside, there are still many of those who are very skeptic or wary of having their hands read because they would be afraid to hear and be influenced by the negative remarks that would be given by the hand reader. Generally, they would immediately jump to the conclusion that when they see that their life or any other lines are short or broken, it would utterly mean a premature, sudden or tragic end. From the many hands that I’ve already came across and read, however, they totally meant the opposite. Fortunately in most cases, a break would generally signify the end of an old and unfulfilling existence or situation into a new, positive and more meaningful lifestyle such as a radical change or improvement in one’s career, home, finance, health, love, marriage, motherhood, travel, and personal accomplishments. No matter what I see on somebody’s hands, never in my practice did I mention death, accident, separation or anything unpleasant that I consider would easily affect the psyche of the consultant traumatically or otherwise, whether he or she is sensitive or not. My personal priority as a guideline to follow when reading hands is to give each one a chance to live his or her life to the full by accentuating on its positive aspects. Honestly, I couldn’t change their destiny, but I could help them to follow the parallel path that would lead them to be happier and more optimistic in their life in the long run.
Inasmuch as I've never taken any formal schooling or training in astrology, I couldn't tell you in what level I'd be right now. On the other hand, I must confess to you that I don't have a highly logical mind to any seemingly complicated calculation as a result of a traumatic experience with my mathematics teacher when I was in the grade school that made me somewhat allergic to whatever is related to problem solving in numbers or figures. Fortunately, there are easy and ready-to-use programs on natal charts available on the market or online that I could resort to. Otherwise, I'd just easily go banana by taxing my cluttered brain manually on a chart and screwing up with my interpretations of the signs and planets in the end. With a somewhat limited knowledge and training of astrology, I don't interpret the charts on my own personally as I still have a long way to go before I could do so. In practice, I go by the book. Perhaps with the passing of time, I'd be able to acquire the expertise of it the same way as in hand reading.
For your information, I give less attention to the origin and pedigree of the authors whom I wish to consult as long as the content of their works would interest me that it should fully meet with my requirements. What matters more to me are the detailed illustrations and the descriptions contained therein with every minute particularities that would accompany them. Perhaps I must have had read so much on the basics from the beginning that I’ve slowed down or have reached a saturation point in acquiring new titles as I’m getting more and more confused on the technical terms used that could appear new or foreign to me than putting what I’ve already learned into practice. From my own past experience, I find the major hand lines as already predestined, whereas the minor as the evolution of all the future changes and improvements in the course of our growth. Before mastering the hand reading techniques, I resorted to astrology and numerology as an ice-breaker in order to carry out a conversation with new and interesting faces that I’d like to meet. Surprisingly, such a strategy would often work wonders and could spread like a bush fire especially when everybody would become interested on the subject matter out of curiosity.
I'm honored indeed by your comparing me to your grandmother. However, I’d like to tell you that I don’t consider myself as an empath because I had to learn the basic of hand reading from the outset before I could practice it with ease and acquire it instinctively later. I believe your grandmother mainly practiced it by her strong affinity with her consultants. When I was young, I did it first from a growing obsession and attraction to the exotic physique of the white race so that I could touch and hold their hands while I fantasize on how exciting it was to be too close to them, to feel the softness of their skin and to listen to the warmth and sound of their voice. Many years ago, I had a rather funny experience that could have nearly turned into a diplomatic incident with a blond Dutch woman who hailed me to read the hands of her grown-up daughters in a family beach on the Italian Riviera one summer day. One of them was topless and accompanied by her boyfriend. What a gorgeous couple! I was so confused where to put my undivided attention that I couldn’t get my words straight without stammering at the sight of her firm and bulging breasts that almost reached up to her navel. With a seemingly tropical heat at nearly 35 degrees Celsius, I was perspiring so profusely that I thought I’d just wanted to faint and fall as hard as a sack of potatoes right on top of her hadn’t her boyfriend offered me a bottle of cold water to appease my burning desire and bring me back to reason. In the end, I had a great and wonderful time with them by reading everybody’s hand.
Thanks for recommending me the photo websites. Are you the one who is beside the luxury sports car? Wow, I didn’t know how cute and sexy you are! Your suggestion for me to pursue my hand reading studies in
Husband: Shall we try a different position tonight?
Wife: Thats a good idea dear!
A Filipino doctor has introduced the use of a device that enlarges a man's sex organ by up to 5 times with no side effects. It is called a magnifiying glass.
Mare: Di yata nagustuhan ni Pare ang birthday gift mo, ah...
Mrs: Oo nga, 7 months na, di pa rin ginagamit.
Mare: Bakit, ano ba regalo mo sa kanya?
Mrs: Memorial Plan.
KRIMINAL 1: "Pare, sigurado ka bang dito dadaan yung papatayin natin?"
KRIMINAL 2: "Oo, nagtataka nga ako, 1 oras na tayo dito, wala parin siya!
LOLO: Gino, paabot nga ng kape ko.
APO: 'lo, Gina po.
LOLO: Gino, paabot nga ng kutchara.
APO: 'lo, Gina po.
LOLO: Punyeta ka, Gino! Tigil-tigilan mo yang kabaklaan mo!
Kustomer: Ano ba naman itong tutpik nyo, iisa na nga lang, ang dali pang mabali!
Waiter (inis): Alam nyo, sir, ang dami nang gumamit nyan, pero kayo lang nakabali!
Anak: Itay, ano ang kaibahan ng confident sa confidential?
Itay: Anak kita, CONFIDENT ako dyan. Yung bespren mong si Tikboy, anak ko rin, CONFIDENTIAL yan.
Anak: Inay, totoo ba na "First love never dies"?
Nanay: Aba, oo. Tignan mo yang tatay mo, hangga ngayon, buhay pa ang animal!
Mrs: Ano ba? Two days na tayong kasal, 'la pa rin.
Mr: Kasi pagod ako.
Mrs: Sige ka, pag ayaw mo, maghahanap ako ng lalaki.
Mr: Sige, gawin mong dalawa, tig isa tayo!
Bugaw: Sir, Chicks P1,500, estudiante!
Man: Ganun ba? Hanapan mo ako ng mga P1,000 lang pero mas magaling pa sa estudiante.
Bugaw: Meron din, sir. Ang PRINCIPAL, okey yun!
Judge: Ikaw na naman! Sampung taon ka nang humaharap sa korte ko ah!
Swindler: Your Honor, di ko kasalanan kung hindi po kayo ma-promote.
Anak: 'Nay, tinutukso po ako ng kalaro ko na anak ako sa labas!
Nanay: Hindi totoo 'yan, anak. Ang sabihin mo sa kanila, ampon ka!
Patient: Dok, malungkot dito sa mental kaya naisipan kong sulatan ang sarili ko...
Doc: E ano naman ang laman ng sulat mo?
Patient: Di ko pa po alam kasi next wik ko pa ata matatangap...
Wife: Honey... bili mo naman ako ng bra...
Husband: Hon… wag ka nang magbra...liit naman dede mo e..
Wife: E ba't ikaw, naka-brief!?
ATTY: Inday, pwede mo bang idiskrayb dito sa korte ang taong nangreype sa 'yo?
INDAY: Maitim, panot, tagyawatin, pango ilong, at bungal...
SUSPEK: Sige!...mang-asar ka pa!!!!
A regular reader from Malaysia had sent me the following request. I wonder if you could help him.
The reason why I could not further my palmistry was simple, I could not get books for deeper research. I personally believe that Indian palmistry and gemology. There are signs on the hand which only Indian palmistry recognizes that are not found in the any of the books I have encountered. I wish there was a book that would go deeper but there isn't. Well at least not where I am from.
IN PRISON… You spend the majority of your time in an 8X10 cell.
AT WORK... you spend the majority of your time in a 6X8 cubicle.
IN get three meals a day.
AT only get a break for one meal and you pay for it.
IN get time off for good behavior.
AT get more work for good behavior.
IN PRISON...the guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you.
AT must carry around a security card and open all the doors for yourself.
IN can watch TV and play games.
AT get fired for watching TV and playing games.
IN get your own toilet.
AT have to share with some idiot who pees on the seat.
IN PRISON…they allow your family and friends to visit.
AT can't even speak to your family.
IN PRISON...the taxpayers pay all expenses with no work required.
AT get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners.
IN spend most of your life inside bars wanting to get out..
AT spend most of your time wanting to get out and go inside bars
IN must deal with sadistic wardens.
AT WORK...they are called managers.
Have a Great Day at WORK!!
Born on Monday, 1 December 2003 at 5:43 AM in
Education, law, foreign service, politics and large-scale enterprises are especially suited to your temperament and creative talents. Your work should give you the freedom to function at your own pace. Your judgment is quick and decisive when opportunity knocks and you want the feeling of mobility should a sudden change in tactics seem necessary if you are to take advantage of it.
You relate well to everyone. You have a breezy manner with a fresh outlook at all times that is infectious with those around you. No matter how dismal a situation may be, you just don’t believe things won’t turn out right in the end.
Your mate must share your enthusiasm and zest for living, and living it up as well. She must be willing to live in the mainstream of life where the action is constant and the excitement never diminishes. You want a mate who will stand shoulder to shoulder with you in search for the dreams you share.
Vous pensez détenir la vérité, mais n’oubliez pas que toute vérité est relative. Dans vos actes comme dans vos opinions, vous êtes persuade d’avoir toujours raison. Pour tempérer votre attitude inébranlable, vous devez conserver cette « autre vision du monde » objective dont vous sentez instinctivement le bien-fondé. N’oubliez pas que vous adversaires croient également détenir la vérité absolue. Sans faire d’entorses à vos principes, adoptez la voie du juste milieu et cherchez un compromis. Tant que ce conflit ne sera pas résolu, n’entreprenez rien d’important et ne cherchez pas a réaliser des projets trop ambitieux.
Puisque le conflit n’en est encore qu’à ses débuts, la meilleure attitude à prendre est de cesser immédiatement toute relation avec vos adversaires Vous en viendrez peut-être à une légère dispute, mais a la fin, tout ira bien.
Vous croyez avoir triomphe. Mais votre bonheur sera de courte durée. Votre victoire engendrera une nouvelle réaction de vos adversaires, ce qui aura pour conséquences des luttes a l’infini…
Chaque expérience vous apporte la joie. Vous êtes toujours heureux. Votre caractère calme et tranquille vous rend ouvert et tolérant. Vous ne voyez aucune raison de dissimuler vos véritables sentiments. Votre confiance inébranlable redonne de l’espoir aux autres. Vous leur offrez la possibilité de révéler leurs pulsions profondes, de retrouver avec vous le sens de la joie.
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