Tuesday, June 15, 2021
  Why the Piraha People Live in the Moment and Are Considered the Happiest in the World
indigenous woman

The Piraha people are a tribe that lives along the Madeira in the Brazilian Amazon. They do not think about the past or the future, and they don’t understand the concept of stress. They have been called the happiest people in the world. (1)

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The Piraha People: The Happiest People In The World

The Piraha people are descendants of the ancient Mura people. They call themselves hiaitsiihi, which they use to differentiate themselves from white people and other indigenous peoples. They speak Apaitsiiso, meaning ‘that which comes from the land”. It is a tonal language with no past or future tenses – they live and speak purely in the here and now. (1)

They are extraordinarily peaceful people who are very happy with what they have. They don’t hold resentment or grudges – not to each other, not even to modern invaders who have sometimes done them harm. (1)

They have no colors or numbers in their language. They also have no words for “God” because they have no religion. The Piraha people only consider the immediate experience: They will not believe in someone no one has ever seen or met. (2)

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Why Are The Piraha People So Happy?

The Piraha live in the immediate – they don’t tell stories or think about the past, and they don’t waste any time worrying about the future. They don’t even store food. Each day, both men and women hunt, fish, and gather for their food. The rest of the time they spend relaxing, laughing, and genuinely enjoying themselves. (3)

They have no need or desire for things from “the outside.” Sure, they have some clothes and tools from the Brazilians, but they don’t care about items like trucks, guns, or other modern technology. Why would they want something that they don’t need? (3)

They have families based on paired mates; however, each couple’s children are taken care of by the whole village. Most parents don’t even know how many children they have because they do not ascribe to a numerical system. They will simply say things like “a lot” or “some.” When we think of modern society, they may be considered poor, but they do not see it that way. They have everything that they need. (3)

The Piraha sleep very little: Only 30 minutes during the day and only for two hours at night. This is likely because they have always lived in areas with plenty of dangerous, venomous snakes, among other threats. They don’t have modern medicine; instead, they rely on wild plants and herbs to treat various ailments. (3)

They have an incredible knowledge of animals and have even trained some wild animals to behave almost like pets. The women hunt with dogs, as well. (3)

Threat From the Outside World

The Piraha’s way of life and level of happiness is under threat from the outside world. Some Piraha, mostly the men, are learning Portuguese to communicate with outsiders. Brazil’s National Indian Foundation has also started stepping in to “help” these “poor people.” They even went so far as to build houses in one of their villages. (3)

Unfortunately, this is beginning to cause health problems for the tribe. Thanks to the Foundation’s food, the men are gaining weight, and the children are developing cavities from too much sugar. Traditionally their diet consists of fish and other hunted meats and fruits from the jungle. Some who have visited the tribe worry that the more they are shown things that they don’t have, they will begin to feel poor and lose their happy way of life. (3)

What They Have Taught Us

Modern society has been defined as “haves” and “have-nots.” We’re taught to believe that if we have “more” – more money, a bigger house, a fancier car, better clothes, if we are prettier, etc., then we will be happy. The Piraha people show us that the reality is quite the opposite. 

They are proof that the more you try to be happy with what you have, the happier you will be. The more you choose to live in the moment and worry less about yesterday and tomorrow, the happier you will be.

We may not be able to give up our modern-day conveniences and ways of life entirely, but we can apply some of the Piraha people’s philosophies into our own lives so that we can live happier each day.

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  1. Pirahã.” Pib
  2. The Pirahã: People Who Define Happiness Without God: Daniel EverettFFRF. April 2010.
  3. The Amazon’s Pirahã People’s Secret to Happiness: Never Talk of Past or Future.” Indian Country. Dominique Godreche. June 25, 2012.
Julie Hambleton
Freelance Writer
Julie Hambleton has a BSc in Food and Nutrition from the Western University, Canada, is a former certified personal trainer and a competitive runner. Julie loves food, culture, and health, and enjoys sharing her knowledge to help others make positive changes and live healthier lives.

Monday, June 07, 2021
  The Heights of Holiness
June 7, 2021
Monday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time
Readings for Today


When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain, and after he had sat down, his disciples came to him. He began to teach them, saying: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:1–3

Today we are given the incredibly high calling of the Beatitudes to ponder. These lessons were taught by Jesus on a hill just north of the Sea of Galilee. Many were coming to Jesus to listen to Him preach and to witness His many miracles. They flocked to Him in this remote location, and Jesus had them recline as He preached what is now referred to as “The Sermon on the Mount.” This sermon is found in Chapter 5 through 7 of Matthew’s Gospel and takes place shortly after Jesus began His public ministry.

What a way to begin His public ministry! This teaching of Jesus was brand new and must have left many people mesmerized. Jesus no longer taught only the precepts of the Old Testament, such as the Ten Commandments; He now elevated the moral law to a level never conceived of before.

As the people listened to this new teacher speak with new authority and wisdom, they may have been excited and confused at the same time. To hunger and thirst for righteousness, to be merciful and clean of heart, and to be a peacemaker could have been accepted. But why was it that being poor, mournful, and meek were considered blessings? And even more challenging, why was it good to be persecuted for the sake of righteousness or insulted and falsely accused because of Jesus?

When Jesus’ new and radical teaching is clearly understood, it is not only His first disciples who may have been confused and excited at the same time. You, too, if you truly listen to His teachings and understand what He means, will find that you are challenged to the core of your being. Jesus’ teaching must be embraced, fully, and without hesitation.

The Beatitudes are our call to perfection. They lay out for us the path by which we travel to the heights of holiness and obtain the glory of Heaven. They are our fine-tuned and detailed road map to the fullness of happiness and joy. But they also call us to a radical transformation of our minds and in our actions. They are not “easily” embraced, in the sense that they require that we turn from every selfish tendency we have and choose to live free of every earthly temptation, attachment and sin. Perfection awaits those who listen to, understand, and embrace the Beatitudes.

Reflect, today, upon the beginning of this challenging Sermon on the Mount. Try to find time to take each Beatitude to prayer. It is only through prayer and meditation that the full meaning of each of these invitations to holiness will be understood. Start with the call to interior poverty of spirit. This Beatitude calls us to complete detachment from all that is not part of God’s will. From there, consider the importance of mourning over your sin, of seeking purity of heart and humility in all things. Ponder each Beatitude and spend time with the one most challenging to you. Our Lord has much to say to you through this sermon. Don’t hesitate to allow Him to lead you to the heights of holiness through it.

Lord of all holiness, You are perfect in every way. You lived every virtue and Beatitude to perfection. Give me the grace to open myself to You so that I may hear You call me to perfection of life and so that I may respond generously with my whole life. Make me holy, dear Lord, so that I will find the happiness and fulfillment You wish to bestow. Jesus, I trust in You.
Sunday, June 06, 2021
  8 ideal foods that can help lower your uric acid that triggers gout

Gout sufferers will tell you that the pain they go through is sometimes unbearable. And there are so many gout treatment options you can find on the web.

Do you experience an intense pain in your joints which lasts for more than a few days? If your answer is yes, and your joints are red, tender, and swollen, chances are you have a gout. A gout, according to the National Institutes of Health, is a painful form of arthritis caused by too much uric acid in the body.

You might think that a few tender joints hurting from time to time ain’t that serious, however, let’s keep in mind that too much uric acid in the body poses a threat on other parts of our body.

If left untreated, it can cause permanent damage to your joints and kidneys. There are gout treatment options you can consider, the good thing is that a gout can be controlled not only with uric-acid lowering drugs, but also with a well-balanced diet as well.

Here are 8 truly wonderful foods that help lower your uric acid:

[1] Cherries

As advised by Liliana Stadler Mitrea, author of Pathology and Nutrition – A Guide for Professionals, cherries decrease your uric acid levels. Cherries contain high levels of vitamins A and C, which can reduce uric acid levels by up to 50 percent.

It also helps in controlling the inflammation of tender and swollen joints. by up to 50 percent, and control inflammation of gout-ravaged joints, which is a primary cause of severe gout pain.

[2] Artichokes

Artichokes are a great source of fiber, protein, and multiple kinds of vitamins. Also, artichokes contain diuretic properties that helps lower your body’s uric acid.

[3] Squash

Pumpkins are a great source of 91 essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, pumpkins contain high level of vitamins A, beta carotene, C, E, and K. Which makes pumpkin a good source of vitamins beneficial to your health.

What makes a squash helpful to your gout is it being a good source of fiber. Fiber slows down other food digestion in your body, eating a squash after a sweet treat helps offset purines created by sugary food.

[4] Celery

Celery contains 3nB, which helps normalize the uric acid levels of your body. Also, research shows that those who receive 34 mg of celery seed extract were relieved from significant joint pain after three weeks of consumption.

[5] Apples

Apples are detoxification food which is rich in a special fiber known as pectin. Aside from helping to lower the chances of getting cancer, apples also contain only about 14 milligrams of purine, combined with its high level of vitam C, it is a great food for lowering your uric acid levels.

[6] Chicken

Chicken does not only help in losing weight, it is also a great help in reducing excess uric acid in the body. Baked or boiled chicken breast contains small amount of purine and have properties that helps reduce joints tenderness.

[7] Onions

Onions is a great source of flavonoids which is an antioxidant that targets free radicals in your body’s cells even before it could cause damage to your health.

A significant flavonoid in onions known as quercetin, inhibits inflammation which in turn, reduces inflammation to your joints caused by high level of uric acid. Boiling two onions, and mixing lemon juice to its water, will definitely do wonders for your gout.

[8] Water

Drinking 10 to 12 8-oz glasses of water a day helps reduce uric acid levels in your body. Make sure that you drink enough fluids to keep yourself hydrated and your joints pain-free!

Keeping a positive mindset in times of constant pain is a hard thing to do, so embrace body positivity! Take care not only of your mental well being but of your health too.

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If you are in constant pain, being positive is hard to do. So embrace body positivity! Take care of your health too and not just your mental well being. Look at the many gout treatment options out there, and the most important is talk to your doctor.

Unleash the chef within you and whip up dishes cooked with foods beneficial in lowering your body’s uric acid!

(Note: This article is for informational purposes only and not to be treated as a professional opinion or diagnosis. If you’re dealing with any of these signs & symptoms or know someone who does, it’s important to always consult with your doctor or a specialist.)



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