Wednesday, September 16, 2020
  Luke 7:31-35 What description can I find for the people of this generation?  

Downtown Los Angeles,
Street Art by Skid Robot,
Sprayed in 2017,
Spray paint on wall
© The Skid Robot Project

Jesus said to the people:

What description can I find for the men of this generation? What are they like? They are like children shouting to one another while they sit in the market-place:

‘“We played the pipes for you, and you wouldn’t dance; we sang dirges, and you wouldn’t cry.”

‘For John the Baptist comes, not eating bread, not drinking wine, and you say, “He is possessed.” The Son of Man comes, eating and drinking, and you say, “Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.” Yet Wisdom has been proved right by all her children.’


Reflection on the Homeless Graffiti Wall

Our Gospel reading of today starts with the question ‘What description can I find for the people of this generation?’ I wonder what Jesus would say about our generation now in 2020? Are we a generation that sees the presence of Christ around us? Not enough I would say. Maybe it is because we have lost the ability to actually see Christ around us: present in the homeless person on the street, present in the phone call from a friend you haven’t heard of in ages, present in a beautiful sunset over the sea,  present even in art… We can see these events simply as just some random events in our lives; or we can see them as signs of Jesus’ presence with us, around us and in us. 

Small events can be glimpses of Jesus and a realisation that He is personally involved in each of our lives. But we can only find Him in all of these small occurrences in our daily lives when we open our heart to Him. Yes the whole point is the heart. Is my own heart soft enough to see Jesus in that sunset over the sea? Is my heart generous enough to see Him in the homeless person on the streets? Is my heart kind enough to see Him in my work colleague I don’t particularly get on with well?… if we search for Him and see him in everything, our hearts will be filled with Him. 

By seeing Christ in everyone we would all behave better towards people around us, including the homeless and bring more humanity to them. An example of that is L.A. based graffiti artist ‘Skid Robot’ who humanises homeless people by painting their dreams around them. Working with them, he simply brings some momentary joy by creating a unique, special artwork for the homeless person…

 by Patrick van der Vorst

Tuesday, September 15, 2020
  Chronic Stress Burned Me Out And Nearly TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME

My name is Wade Lightheart and about 2 years ago I crashed and burned to a crisp.

People like to throw around the word "burn out" — but I think I was one level away from being hospitalized.

I remember sitting down with my BiOptimizers co-founder, Matt Gallant, and I looked him right in the eye and said, "Every day I feel like I'm in hell."

I went to his house and got hooked up to medical grade brain scanning device and it showed I had about 25% of the brain electricity of a 75 year old man. There were probably zombies on The Walking Dead that had more brain energy than me at that time.

Worse, this burnout was making me "edgy" and more prone to anger and reactivity in my relationship (plus robbing me of libido). It was killing my motivation in my business.

I knew that if I didn't get my stress fixed...

My Life Was About To Be Totally Destroyed

That's when Matt said, "Don't worry, I've got the answer to get you fixed up. I just did it for the last 2 months and it's been one of the most powerful health improving things I've ever done. It's dramatically improved my mood.

I feel a sense of calm that I've never felt in my life. And it's repaired my nervous system. I've gone from not being able to drink coffee because I would feel frazzled to being able to drink it daily if I want."

What Matt was talking about is... the super hero nutrient.

I have no doubt that you've heard of this amazing nutrient.

You may even be aware of some of the benefits.

But "hearing about it" isn't the same as "experiencing it's magical effects."

In fact, 9 out of 10 people who take this game-changing nutrient don't really notice much change — and that's because of what you're about to discover.


In fact, if you had to pick ONE THING that put your health and life at risk for more than anything else... it would definitely be stress.

According to the American Psychological Association, "chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death."

Stress has been implicated in heart issues, inflammation, obesity, mental illness and more.

Most people think of stress as caused by things like work, traffic, tense relationships...

And they focus on "solutions" like meditation, going to the spa, and so on.

But what if the ROOT of so much stress we experience... comes down to deficiency of THIS ONE OVERLOOKED NUTRIENT?


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