Tuesday, May 30, 2006

You are willing to extend yourself for those you love, even when it means you must get along with less. You have strong sentimental ties with your family so that you could have some difficulty relating to people other than your family in a person-to-person relationship. Your loyalty to people you love is admirable, but it can interfere with forming meaningful outside contacts. You are possessive with the objects of your affections to they may feel unable to do anything without first asking your permission or at least discussing it with you. You don’t want to be excluded from any situation your lover may be involved with and you can wear out your welcome unless you change your attitude.

Basically shy, yet susceptible to kindness and flattery, you are uncomfortable with persons who are overly aggressive. You are essentially a dreamer who dwells on romantic imaginings or reveries to satisfy your emotional longings. You are therefore very vulnerable to partners or associates with charming personalities and refinement.

You are unrealistic in facing the harsh realities of life and may postpone taking a partner you are waiting for the nearly perfect individual to come into your life. You are inclined to go more than halfway in making concessions if it will produce greater harmony. Be careful you don’t allow others to abuse your generosity by making excessive demands on you. Your protective instincts are probably stronger than most and you would defend the one you love in spite of the demands being made.

Your career interest might include such professions as law, politics, business management and arbitration. You should also find much fulfillment working with people in social activities as are found in clubs, societies, encounter therapy and counseling. Your mature and polished common sense prevails when there are disagreements in which you are involved.

You are gifted in occupations requiring some business sense, and your ability in management is considerable. You are a no-nonsense person and appreciate the efforts of those who are organized for action. Take care you aren’t obstinate in your opinions and learn to let others make their own decisions. They may learn more when they realize why they failed.

Not content to stand still for very long, you eagerly assert yourself in your affairs. You are usually well informed on every facet of the enterprises you have so that you are able to successfully manage them. You enjoy competition and the risks associated with challenging situations. You never believe you will not succeed, and this raises the probability of success.

Your greatest lesson will come from your relationships and how well you can handle them. Compromise is essential to bring out the very best in you and those you deal with. It is urgent that you give others the same respect you demand from them.

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