ARIES. This could be a very testing and challenging week for you from all points of view. Therefore, you would certainly need to have your wits about you if you are to emerge from it unbeaten and unscathed. Be prepared for quick decisions brought about by unexpected events.
TAURUS. You should expect the unexpected that would greatly affect the final outcome of your development this week with challenges to meet which will prove extremely beneficial in the end. Important decisions will also be taken as a new phase in your life is trying to get under way. Make sure that your choices are realistic as this is not the time to indulge in wishful thinking.
GEMINI. This could be a delicate time when you will have to make some important decisions. So, be prepared to stand up for yourself and to have the courage of your own convictions. Be more independent and learn to take responsibility for yourself. Avoid acting impulsively and make sure that you allow yourself sufficient time to realize the full implications of these decisions and the far-reaching consequences a rash decision could have.
CANCER. This is likely a very remunerative period and the time to reap the rewards, so rightly deserved, for past efforts. Any speculative ventures have a very fair chance of paying dividends. Your affairs are likely to take a turn for the better and this beneficial upswing is likely to be caused by events over which you have no personal control. A recurring problem could also be solved through a rather strange set of circumstances.
LEO. You could be in for expansion and the opportunity for personal advancement. Now is the time to think a little bigger than usual, to push yourself and your ideas, and to climb a few rungs higher up the ladder of success. You may need to work harder than normal but the rewards should prove adequate compensation for all the extra effort required.
VIRGO. This will prove to be a restless and unsettled period when it will be difficult to know what to do for the best. A fairly major change in your lifestyle is highly possible such as job, residence, partner, or all three that you would make voluntarily or forced upon you against your will. You may seek comfort and advice through spiritual involvement or in a series of love affairs and brief relationships.
LIBRA. This period indicates a domestic slant when anything and everything can and probably will happen that could cover such major issues as marriage, childbirth, move of home, purchase of a new car, or a major redecoration of the house. Your intuition could help you find the answer to a long-standing problem which has hitherto been giving you a pain in the neck!
SCORPIO. A totally unexpected major change in personal circumstance is bound to take place any moment. What’s more, this change is likely to be the only possible solution to a prevailing situation however surprising this may seem. Long-standing plans and proposals might also need to be altered, or even aborted which is not a bad thing because it will leave you free to take up other, more exciting, offers when they arise.
SAGITTARIUS. You should be too lucky to feel extremely happy and confident during this week. You may choose to marry, set up home, have a baby, start a family, change job or move to another location. Your three most important keywords are change, happiness and love, in any order.
CAPRICORN. You would be too lucky to be blessed with a period of good fortune, fulfillment and possible travel. Good opportunities for personal advancement should arise that will make the immediate future appear more hopeful, secure and happy. Try to broaden your horizons and look at life on what it has to offer from a wider viewpoint than you have previously done. A new lease of life should be yours with sufficient energy to accomplish everything that you desire.
AQUARIUS. During this week, good fortune is the keyword which can manifest itself in various ways. It may come about as the justly deserved reward for hard work; it could come in the guise of a gift; or it could come out of the blue as the result of some happy accident of fate. However it does come, money will not be in short supply and you should enjoy this temporary period of affluence while it lasts. Be sure to put something away for a rainy day if you possibly can.
PISCES. You should be able to achieve a great deal during this period. However, your real reward will be the pleasure of accomplishing! If your health has previously been causing you some concern it should improve finally. You will look all set to enjoy a new lease of life.
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