ARIES. Begin searching for something new and altogether more fulfilling at all levels. This quest for new experience would likely be a beneficial move which should evoke many rewards in the future.
TAURUS. Try to slow down your pace and proceed with caution and circumspection. Greater care than usual should be taken to ensure good health if you wish to come through this period unscathed.
GEMINI. Grasp every chance that comes your way with both hands and to make it work for you. You should settle old scores and reconcile yourself to circumstances as they actually are. You will need to discipline yourself in order to regain self-control and become free of the constant swings of mood.
CANCER. Now is a good time to take a break from what you are doing, such as a short holiday or a few days off to relax and let yourself unwind a little. This could be beneficial on your health and physical well-being in the long run. Avoid trying to live your life on a head-on collision course with everyone else.
LEO. You are under an extremely favorable and fortunate period that could prove to be enjoyable and rewarding when happiness and success are well aspected. You’re in for new beginnings in both your private and professional life. Any plans made for the future are also almost certain to succeed.
VIRGO. You would possibly gain more personal freedom and escape from the restrictions previously imposed upon your movements. However, you could just as easily become tied down by personal preoccupations and feel trapped or bound by obligations. If you’re making long-term plans try to allow for the unforeseen by adding a few extra days or figures to your calculations.
LIBRA. Your dreams could come true and your dearest wishes would possibly become realities. This is a period of love and romance which might even develop into a more lasting relationship and could prove to be one of the happiest moments of your life. So, enjoy it while you may!
SCORPIO. This period promises new avenues to explore if you are willing to try something unknown and untested. However, you would need to be extremely flexible and should be prepared to change existing plans at the last moment. Take a time off and relax by exploring the natural beauty of your region and the neighboring surroundings.
SAGITTARIUS. Before making any decision, try to allow yourself sufficient time to see matters in perspective – as they really are and not just how they seem to be at a quick glance. Anything that has been going unexpectedly out of control could start to improve. As there is usually a price to be paid for most things in life, you may have to make a few voluntary sacrifices. C’est la vie!
CAPRICORN. Try to become one of a team and cooperate more with those around you to work together towards a common goal. Learn to be more tactful and to think before you speak as this could save a great deal of unpleasantness and embarrassment. You must never tell anyone a secret no matter how sympathetic or trustworthy their outward appearance may be.
PISCES. You’re likely to be promised financial rewards for a completed task. However, you should try to remain calm and patient when annoying set-backs occur. Don’t be too proud to accept any help that may be offered no matter how much you suspect the motives behind such a proposal – many hands make lighter work!
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