South of
Dear David,
You have strong square hands with a delicate touch for beauty and aesthetics that is represented by the fine lines and the broken Girdle of Venus, being the signs of sensitivity and sensuality. Your long index finger gives you the desire for ambition and success, while your little finger, communication and contact. However, your travel lines are too weak to make you realize your childhood dream for those adventures you fondly read in the books and magazines and saw in the movies, particularly the explorations in the
You had a well protected childhood partly because of your delicate health, which could have kept you out of school from time to time. However, this didn’t affect much your academic performances and accomplishments as you finished, if not the first, among the top in your class. Congratulations! Between 20 and 23, you have had a rather hectic and tough period in your studies but finished again among the top. By 24, you had a radical change in your professional life with a good break on your first job that lead to a series of advancement and promotion. By 26, you have had another change which paved the way to a better-paying position that would give you more responsibility and satisfaction. By 29, you were given a well-deserved promotion. Between 30 and 40, you would have a busy and hectic workload.
Concerning your love life, you’re a very sentimental and romantic type. Unlike those with a huge and fleshy Mount of Venus who are only for one-night stands, you seem to treat sex with so much attention and tenderness that you wouldn’t even know when the preliminary ends and the real act begins. As an idealist, you would sing a serenade to your beloved accompanied by a complete symphony orchestra or invite her to a candlelit dinner animated by a string quartet in the background to the music of Chopin’s nocturne. Speaking about your experience, you’re quite precocious at the age of 10 when you’ve already fallen platonically in love with the little girl next door. This was followed by a series of deceptions from 12 to 15 and from 18 to 20. However, your first great and serious love came when you were in college. Apparently, you have had quite a handful of affairs up to this moment, but you don’t seem to have found the ideal one. Nonetheless, you’re still in for some surprises before and after you turn 40!
On the whole, your plus signs are: (1) the protection line that runs throughout your life line since you were born, (2) the sign of material and financial security under the index finger and (3) the big square of protection on the Plain of Mars between 29 and 65.
Good luck and best wishes!
This left hand belongs to a highly strung and sensitive person, who is not only very sentimental but also romantic as shown by the strong and long Girdle of Venus that starts under the index and the middle fingers and ends up toward the outer side of the little finger. This feature means that he idealizes and believes strongly in the principle of a unique and perfect love. But his heart line is covered with fine lines as well as a long island between the ring and the small fingers and a series of descending lines under the middle finger which were caused by his disappointments in his early romantic relationships, that is also corroborated by the number of affection lines appearing on the side under the little finger. With a head line that is dropping toward the Mount of Luna, his imagination could be rich and prolific for a consummate artist or writer who would always be on the road as shown by the travel lines appearing on the percussion side of his hand. With his long little finger, he is an eloquent and inarticulate speaker or salesman and he has a facility for learning foreign languages.
Apparently, he went through a series of difficult periods between the ages of 6 and 17 because he seemed to be restless and rebellious while growing up, particularly with his teachers. However, he finished high school top of his class and was among the first in his university studies. Professionally, he had quite a hectic and difficult period from his 23 to his 25 years. He had a radical change at around 27 when he was promoted to a higher position for an overseas assignment. Before he turned 29, he got an advancement for an executive post. Between 30 and 40, he had a very demanding and busy work schedule, but would give him personal satisfaction and professional accomplishment.
Being a perfectionist in his choice of an ideal partner, his sentimental life was rather chaotic and unstable as he would fall in and out of love several times. At 14, he had his first platonic love, at 16, first serious one and then followed by short ones between 20 and 26. Finally, he met his prospective wife before he turned 28 and got married after 3 years of engagement.
Puisque nous sommes à la mi-année, j’aimerais vous tenir informes et vous dire combien ma vie a change après avoir reçu et renvoyé certains messages électroniques. Ce sont tout particulièrement les «chaînes de courrier» qui ont affecte ma vie.
D’abord, je ne sors plus le soir : j’ai trop peur d’être drague par une superbe blonde pulpeuse qui m’invitera a boire un dernier verre chez elle. Car en fait, elle sera complice avec des voleurs d’organes, et je ne veux pas me réveiller, couche sur le miroir qui dit « Appelle les urgences ou tu mourras ». C’est vrai, quoi ! Je tiens trop à mon râble !
Ensuite, je ne vais plus au cinéma, car je ne veux pas attraper le Sida en m’asseyant sur une seringue. De plus, j’ai appris que c’est quand on va au ciné que des malfrats en profitent pour appeler chez vous et dire qu’ils vous ont kidnappe.
Chez moi, je ne réponds plus au téléphone : je ne veux pas qu’on me demande de composer *9 sur mon clavier, et que je reçoive ensuite une facture astronomique pour des appels que je n’aurai même pas réalises.
D’ailleurs, j’ai jeté mon téléphone portable, puisque Ericsson allait m’en offrir un tout neuf. En fait, je ne l’ai jamais reçu, alors j’en ai racheté un autre. Mais je l’ai aussi jeté, puisque j’ai appris entre temps que je courrai le risque d’attraper une tumeur au cerveau.
J’ai définitivement cesse d’avoir des relations sexuelles, même avec un préservatif. Car il y a des détraques qui s’amusent a aller dans les pharmacies et percer les préservatifs a l’aide d’une aiguille. De même, je ne bois ni ne mange plus de boissons et d’aliments en boite : je ne veux pas risquer de mourir empoisonne par les rats.
Enfin, je réalise dorénavant tous mes déplacements a pied, puisque les sièges des transports publics (et tout spécialement le metro) sont de véritables infections.
J’ai fait don de toutes mes économies à des associations capables d’acheter un nouveau myocarde pour Brian, soigner Rachel Arlington et Jessica Maydec de leur cancer, et aussi de retrouver la petite Penny Brown, perdue depuis 1982. J’espère aussi les avoir tous beaucoup aides en envoyant ces messages sponsorises par Bill Gates (c’est un chic type, ce Bill !)
De même, j’ai recueilli 53 chats dans mon appartement. Au moins, ceux-ci ne seront pas horriblement tortures par les bourreaux de BonzaiKitten.
Mon ordinateur est maintenant bien protége contre tous les virus possibles et imaginables, tels que les Grenouilles Budweiser, le Sulfnb.exe, et autres Buddylst.sip. En effet, je l’ai équipe de McAfee et de Norton, et je rachète chaque année la nouvelle version anti-virus (comme recommande par les compagnies qui les produisent).
Mon notaire a bien reçu mon testament dans lequel je lègue tous mes biens a une institution de charité (donc a but non-lucratif) qui se chargera de faire parvenir $1 a chaque femme pakistanaise battue par son mari.
Et j’ai aussi envoye a Mary Robinson (haut commissaire de la Croix-Rouge aux Nations Unies), la liste de tous mes proches, amis, voisins et connaissances, car je suis sur qu’ils auraient bien évidemment tous été d’accord pour aider les femmes afghanes.
J’attends toujours les $120'000 que me doivent AOL et Microsoft. Pourtant j’ai bien fait suivre leurs messages comme convenu… Et d’ailleurs, j’attends toujours mon Ericsson dernier modèle, gratuit of course !
De même, j’attends toujours de recevoir $10 million et une Porsch GT4, ainsi que de passer une nuit torride avec Jennifer Lopez.
J’y crois, puisque ce sont les trois vœux que j’ai réalises avant de faire suivre le Totem Tantra magique que j’avais eu la chance de recevoir directement du Dalai Lama.
En fait puisque aucun de mes vœux ne se réalise, je crois maintenant qu’il y a un message que j’ai oublie de faire suivre, et que pour cette raison la malchance me colle à la peau…
NE TE LAISSE PAS INFLUENCER PAR DES E-MAILS : envoie immédiatement ce message à 6700 personnes dans les 12 secondes qui suivent, sinon le Diable va apparaître derrière toi la prochaine fois que tu te baisseras sous la douche pour ramasser la savonnette…
Since we're in the middle of the year, I'd like to inform and tell you how much my life has been changed since I received and sent e-mails, most especially those chain letters.
First of all, I don't go out any more at night as I'm too scared to be picked up by a superb sexy blond who would invite me for a last drink at her place, because she could be an accomplice of the organ robbers. I wouldn't like to wake up lying on my back in an ice-filled bathtub with a missing kidney and a message on the mirror saying "ring emergency or die." It could be true, but I'd rather want to live!
Then, I don't go to the movies anymore because I don't want to catch Aids by sitting on an infected syringe needle. Worse yet, I’ve learned that while you're inside the cinema, some villains would call up your house to say that you've been kidnapped.
I don't answer anymore the phone at home because I don't want to press *9 when asked for fear that I would be paying an exorbitant bill for calls that I didn't even make. On the other hand, I threw away my cell phone because Ericsson would be offering me a new one which I never received. So, I bought another one that I also threw away after I heard the rumor that I could get brain cancer from using it.
I stopped having sexual relationships completely even with condom because there are unscrupulous persons who'd go to the pharmacies to prick holes on them with needles. Also I don't consume canned foods for risk of being poisoned by rats.
At present, I go out on foot all the time because the seats in the public transportations, particularly those of the underground, are highly infected. I contribute all my savings to the organizations that take care of the purchase of a new myocardial for Brian, the treatment for cancer of Rachel Arlington and Jessica Meydec and the search for little Penny Brown who has been lost since 1982. I hope I have helped them a lot by sending messages sponsored by Bill Gates (what a swell guy, this Bill!). I also took in 53 cats to my apartment, at least those which would not be horribly tortured by the butchers of the BonzaiKitten.
My computer is now highly protected against all possible and what-have-you-not viruses such as Grenouilles Budweiser, Sulfnbk.exe. and other Buddylst.sip. In fact, I equipped it with McAfee and Norton. Every year, I buy the new versions of anti-virus that are recommended by the companies that are manufacturing them.
My lawyer has already received my testament in which I bequeath all my worldly belongings to a charitable institution (a non-profit making one) that would take charge of giving $1 to every battered Pakistani wife.
I also sent to Mary Robinson (the Red Cross High Commissioner to the UN) a list of all my relatives, friends, neighbors and acquaintances, whom I'm sure would all help on the plight of the Afghan women.
I'm still waiting for the $120,000 that AOL and Microsoft owed me for having duly sent their messages. And furthermore, I'm always waiting for my latest model of Ericsson, free of charge of course!
On the other hand, I'm also waiting to receive the $10 million and the Porsche GT4, as well as the sulfurous evening in the company of Jennifer Lopez.
I believe to all of these because they're the three wishes I made before forwarding the magic Totem Tantra that I was too fortunate to receive directly from the Dalai Lama.
The fact that none of my wishes came true, I believe now that there was a message I forgot to send for being the reason why a misfortune must have befallen on me.
DON'T BE INFLUENCED BY E-MAILS: send immediately this message to 6700 persons in the 12 seconds that follow, otherwise the Devil would appear right behind you in the shower the moment you bend down to pick up the soap.
Born on Sunday, June 11, 1972 at 11.30 p.m. in Portland,
Ascendant in Aquarius. When Aquarius is the sign rising at the time of birth, the craving for independence is even more acute than for Sun-sign Aquarius, and the individual may have a distant air that makes it difficult to know him or her. The best quality of these Aquarians is their desire, even need, to help others. Properly employed, this characteristic can make it somewhat easier for them to open up and allow others to support them. Stubbornness and personal rigidity can be a considerable problem when Aquarius is the Ascendant.
Midheaven in Scorpio. When Scorpio is on the Midheaven in northern latitudes, Capricorn or Aquarius will be in the Ascendant. In southern latitudes, Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces will be ascending. Identification with Scorpio interests and powerful motivation are important to those with this Midheaven, but their success depends on their rising and Sun signs. Capricorn rising can bring political aspirations, and fares better than Aquarius, whose unpredictable behavior will have to be overcome before success can be assured. The Scorpio influence adds a sense of direction to those with Pisces rising.
Sun in Gemini. Versatile and communicative, Geminians can also be superficial and inconsistent. They tend to be witty and lively, and remain youthful in old age. Geminians rarely do one thing at a time—they will read two books at once, write letters while watching television, or hold down two jobs. Basic Personality. Geminians have a talent for communication, and journalism is an ideal occupation for them. They tend to have very quick intellects fired by curiosity and rational minds. Their strong sense of logic enables them to grasp the elements of a situation or subject quickly. Relationships. A dull partner, however attractive, will not be tolerated long by a Geminian. Shared interests are important but not necessarily shared views, because discussion and argument are the spice of life to a Gemini. Geminians make lively parents, but can be too fault-finding, forgetting that their child may not be so quick-minded as themselves. The Gemini child is intelligent, but is easily bored and should be encouraged to finish all tasks that are started. Career. Work in all branches of the media is ideal for communicative and versatile Geminians. They are often natural salespeople, and prove to be shrewd in business. However, they dislike solitary work and may be unhappy if they are promoted to lonely positions of power. Leisure. Geminians do not know what leisure is, they fill every moment with activity and are always seeking out ways to amuse themselves. They should burn of their nervous energy with sports such as squash, tennis, or jogging.
Moon in Cancer. The Moon rules Cancer, therefore its position in this sign at the time of birth is particularly influential. People with this placing will be defensive and protective of their environment, even in everyday circumstances. Intuition is likely to be especially strong and reliable, though it is useful if elsewhere in the horoscope there are indications of more down-to-earth characteristics. For example, the Sun or Mercury in an earth sign, or a trine aspect to Saturn from the Moon itself, will keep intuition and emotion under control. A committed relationship is necessary for these people’s well-being, but they tend to have mood swings that are difficult for partners-to-deal with. Their homes may be cluttered because nostalgia prevents them from throwing things away. The family is very important to those with their Moon in Cancer and their tendency to worry about the well-being of loved ones can take on unwarranted proportions. They make excellent parents, but need to control the urge to be overprotective towards their offspring if they are not to drive them away. Anxiety upsets their digestive system, and often they have very sensitive skin that should not be exposed of strong sunlight.
Mercury in Cancer. People who have Mercury in Cancer tend to look back rather than forward—an inbuilt sense of nostalgia combines with a mistrust of the future. When their emotional response clashes with their logical thinking they find it very difficult to assess situations. The Sun and Moon signs should indicate whether these individuals will be tenacious or hesitant in their approach to life. Sun-sign Gemini, Mercury in Cancer. These Geminians are very intuitive and tend to act instinctively. They are likely to be more sympathetic than critical, and more sensitive than intolerant. Their tendency to be changeable will need to be fought.
Venus in Gemini. These flirtatious people need partners who are intellectually as well as sexually stimulating. They are reluctant to settle down but are capable of sustained devotion. They have a flair for money-making. Sun-sign Gemini, Venus in Gemini. Love affairs can be inhibited by the tendency to over-analyze emotions. Quick wits help financial success.
Mars in Cancer. This position of Mars powerfully influences the love life and sex life, and lovers with Mars in Cancer will be sensual and caring, instinctively knowing how to please a partner. However, there is the possibility that they will work too hard at the relationship and create a cloying atmosphere. Any project they decide to undertake that needs physical or emotional energy will be seen through the completion, though there may be physical stress and tension if Mars receives negative aspects from the Sun, Moon, or Uranus. These people can have short tempers, and in moments of anger may express themselves harshly, even cruelly. Cancer enhances the memory, therefore it will not be easy for them to forgive and forget any offence, and there may be lingering resentment which they find difficult to erase from their mid. Irrational fretting will only exacerbate their problems, and they should try to talk them through with other people. The acquisition of a home and family will be very important, and they will make every effort to support them. The best type of exercise for those with Mars in Cancer is some form of water sport—water is a symbol of the emotions and for Cancer an excellent relaxing agent.
Jupiter in Capricorn. Here are rather remarkable people, the product of the combination (at best, a successful blending) of very different characteristics: the positive, extroverted qualities of Jupiter, and the negative, introverted qualities of Capricorn. Individuals born with this combination of planet and sign will be ambitious and determined, welcoming responsibilities, able and willing to work extremely hard and persistently, an having admirable powers of concentration. Their outlook on life will be very sensible and intelligent, and they will accept challenges realistically. The influence of Capricorn prevents the blind optimism of Jupiter, and common sense and caution will always inform their every move. The generosity and flamboyance of Jupiter are not often seen when it is in this sign, and the subject may occasionally have a pessimistic or bleak view of life, but their quirky sense of humor is never far away. These people are usually kind-hearted and thoughtful, although they tend to believe that they are always right, occasionally to the point of pig-headedness. This will be a real problem only if Jupiter receives a square aspect from the Sun or Mon, in which case it is likely that the individual will be so stubborn that he or she will refuse to listen to the opinion of others. When Jupiter is in Capricorn, it is important also to consider the position of Saturn in the chart; if it is heavily aspected to the personal planets, Capricorn’s influence can overshadow that of Jupiter’s, and the subject will be sober and serious. As children, those with Jupiter in Capricorn work cautiously, plodding slowly and deliberately up through the ranks of their contemporaries, eventually reaching the head of the class. For these individuals, making steady, gradual progress is likely to be the pattern throughout life.
Saturn in Gemini. Saturn’s effect from Gemini is generally positive because it stabilizes the personality and ensures that the intellect is focused. These people will be more economical with words than other Geminis, and will put their views across forcefully, succinctly, and impartially. They are capable of highly disciplined thought, and often excel at mathematics and science. However, they are quite often considered incommunicative, and when they do speak out they are likely to be cynical or sarcastic. They often have to resort to their off-beat Saturnian humor when they offend others by expressing themselves more harshly than they intended. They insist on honesty in communication, but they need to guard against excessive criticism. These individuals are prone to suspicion and doubt, and positive thinking and an optimistic outlook should be cultivated if not found elsewhere in the chart. Look at the positions of Mercury and Jupiter to see if their influences might help.
Uranus in Libra. From Libra, Uranus can contribute great powers of attraction, similar to those found in a Sun-sign Libran. The subjects are often loving and romantic, but unlike Sun-sign Librans, they will possess a strong independent streak from Uranus that will battle constantly against their Libran longing for a solid and lasting personal relationship. The partner of a person with Uranus in Libra will sometimes feel that he or she is being treated coolly, and that his or her lover is too independent to make a proper commitment. In most cases, only a thread of independence will emerge in the attitude towards partners, but if either Venus or Uranus is a personal planet, or they are in aspect to each other, these contrasting traits—desire for both partnership and independence—may cause problems in a relationship. If Aquarius is the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant, it is likely that this person wants a partnership, but not a particular partner. It is important for such individuals to come to terms with this facet of their personality if they are to be honest with potential partners. People with Uranus in Libra make faithful friends who are completely dependable, and always ready to give as much consideration and time to their friends as they need. Sympathy and kindness are attributes that Uranus certainly encourages from Libra. Those who are accused of being a little too cool and distant to relatives and loved ones should try to cultivate the same degree of affection they show their friends. This combination of planet and sign is excellent for people with a very high emotional level for it will help to stabilize and rationalize their approach and reaction to life in general.
Pluto in Virgo. Between late 1961 and late 1968, Pluto shared Virgo with Uranus, forming a very potent conjunction that combines the upheaval often instigated by Pluto with Uranus’ desire for sudden change. There was a great deal of student unrest, and the values and standards of the older generation were criticized and undermined. Those with a Virgo, Sun, Moon, or Ascendant are in a powerful position to make dynamic change. They possess the power to blast the world to fragments or to rid it of much that is unjust. Pluto can often encourage obsessional tendencies, and if such characteristics are suggested in other areas of the horoscope, this placing of Pluto will increase the possibility. Assess the importance of the Pluto/Uranus conjunction and consider the house placing. If the planets are negatively aspected, the ability to talk freely about problems will be limited, and the subject will tend to worry. If the subject tends to be critical in a particularly harsh way, this may be due to the influence of Pluto: look to other areas of the birth chart to find a rebuttal.
Fifth House. Sun. The fifth house is the house of Leo and the Sun. It brings energy, creativity, and ambition Individuals with this placing are proud of their achievements, and not averse to showing them off. This is the house of children, and these people expect their offspring to be as successful as themselves. Love is a particularly important theme, and a passionate and enjoyable sex life is essential. Emotional and physical risks may be taken—indeed; a degree of danger will be positively enjoyed, especially in sporting activities. The gambling urge may be uncomfortably strong. Saturn. This placing indicates a dogmatic, overbearing father figure. As a result, these people may feel inadequate and unable to express their emotions for fear of rejection. Only if they can overcome their inhibitions will they find happiness and contentment. They are extremely ambitious for their children, and must not be too pushy. When it comes to affairs of the heart, these individuals are extremely serious. They can be rather lacking in humor and must work hard to develop a sense of fun. Venus. This placing of Venus emphasizes creative ability and a love of the arts. These people are true romantics, but have a tendency to place their lovers on a pedestal, which can lead to heartache and disillusionment. They love luxury and often display an innate elegance and sense of style. A fascination with financial risk can have disastrous consequences, so a gambling instinct must be kept on a tight rein. Mercury. This house is important where love affairs are concerned, but there is more than a hint of duality in this placing, largely because Mercury is basically changeable. These people will be attracted by leisure pursuits that challenge the intellect—chess, for instance—provided that Mercury is in a sign that bestows patience. Moon. From this house, the Moon’s creative drive is directed mainly towards procreation. It is the house of lovemaking, and the subjects tend to be ardent, passionate lovers. There is an extroverted streak, which may manifest itself in a desire to show off. The Moon sign can exacerbate or control this tendency—a Piscean Moon, for example, will encourage introversion. The individual may be attracted by risk and danger, but the Sun and Ascending signs may help to counter this unfortunate tendency.
Sixth House. Mars. Here are the world’s workers. Although both conscientious and industrious, they have surprisingly little patience with dull routine. If there is no indication of nervous tension elsewhere in the horoscope, and Mars is free from negative aspects from the Moon, Mercury, or Uranus this placing will stimulate the nervous system, and the subject is likely to possess an incisive and discriminating mind. Physically, stress will affect their health, and these people may find that they are susceptible to skin complaints when under strain.
Ninth House. Pluto. When Intellectual processes are emphasized by this position, and these individuals have an innate desire to study and increase their intellectual horizons. They are true perfectionists and will often have difficulty in finishing a job, always believing that the result could be improved upon. These people also tend to possess strong spiritual and religious principles, and if Pluto is afflicted, they can become quite fanatical about their beliefs. Uranus. People with Uranus in the ninth house tend to be original and brilliant thinkers. Their strong powers of intelligence are formidable, and they often possess scientific flair or unique literary talents. Constant mental stimulation is necessary—these people reach out to unique and exciting experiences with both hands. Travel is important to these individuals, and they will enjoy exotic and unusual experiences while broadening their horizons.
Tenth House.
Twelfth House. Jupiter. These people enjoy their own company and need to withdraw from the world every now and then to recharge their energy supplies. Quiet and self-involving hobbies appear, such as reading, listening to music, and home crafts. They are happy to work behind the scenes, and do not seek acclaim or glory.
Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously.
Monika was presented to me many summers ago on the Italian
When I took her hands for a reading, I felt instantly how anxious and sad she was. After a few minutes of examining her palms, I looked straight into her eyes and told her with a sincere smile and conviction that she’d meet somebody before the end of the year and they would have two children. At first, she was so surprised to hear what I said and didn’t believe it right away that she took it for a joke.
A year later, I saw the couple again on the beach and told me that she met somebody during a family Christmas dinner and they had fallen in love with each other at first sight and had already scheduled their wedding the following fall. I met her with her husband two years later and told me that she had a miscarriage. I reassured her however that she would have her first child in due course. Then the following fall, she finally gave birth to a son, whom she named Tomasso, and two years later, a daughter, Malvina.
Born on Friday, March 3, 1972 - 4.00 a.m. -
Midheaven in Scorpio. When Scorpio is on the Midheaven in northern latitudes, Capricorn or Aquarius will be in the Ascendant. In southern latitudes, Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces will be ascending. Identification with Scorpio interests and powerful motivation are important to those with this Midheaven, but their success depends on their rising and Sun signs. Capricorn rising can bring political aspirations, and fares better than Aquarius, whose unpredictable behavior will have to be overcome before success can be assured. The Scorpio influence adds a sense of direction to those with Pisces rising.
Ascendant in Capricorn. The self confidence of those born with Capricorn rising fluctuates badly, leaving them very unsure of themselves. They should learn to take themselves at others high valuation. They show their emotion more easily than Sun-sign Capricorn, and will be more caring and sensitive to their partner’s needs.
Sun in Pisces. Imaginative and idealistic, Pisceans can be a little too unworldly, and the symbol of the sign—two fishes swimming in opposite directions—reflects their tendency to self-deception, to face both ways at once. However, Pisces is above all the creative sign of the dreamer and the poet. Basic Personality. Pisceans are among the most compassionate and kindly of people, often giving more time to the problems of others than they allow for consideration of their own. Their imagination, positively expressed, is an enormous asset, but Pisceans must learn not to allow their imagination to work negatively, magnifying small problems into major ones. They also tend to lie to themselves and others, rather than face harsh reality. Relationships. Sensitive and romantic, Pisceans often seem ready to deceive themselves rather than to admit any fault in their beloved. They are not especially passionate; their view of sex is essentially a romantic one. As parents, Pisceans are very encouraging to their children, but can be too easy-going. Piscean children tend to embroider the truth, and are better taught to be honest from an early age. They should be encouraged to use their strong imaginations positively. Career. Pisceans have an innate talent for caring and are always ready to listen to other people, so they can make exceptional counselors. They love beauty, and will work contentedly in any area of the arts. Leisure. Highly sensitive to atmosphere, Pisceans’ constitutions are easily disturbed by tension, and stress can cause them to overeat or drink. Tension should be relieved with inspirational exercise such as yoga or t’ai chi.
Moon in Libra. Anyone born when the Moon was in Libra will have the ability to be a peacemaker. Tactful, sympathetic, and also naturally diplomatic and understanding, they are able to identify freely with other people and their points of view. Meeting these people, we immediately feel at ease, and may well envy their relaxed air. They have a direct, beguiling charm, and an engaging way of talking that is instantly attractive. These people will be of the greatest help in a crisis. Naturally calm, they remain above the fray, able to see situations clearly and completely. The only drawback to this placing is that it can lead to indecision, and at worst weaken the character so that these subjects find it extremely difficult to resolve personal difficulties. Look for emphasis on the stronger signs in the horoscope—Capricorn or Leo, for instance—to counter this possible debility. Libra’s opposite sign is Aries, and if this sign features in the chart it may encourage a slightly aggressive tendency that can sometimes provoke the starting of an argument when one is not strictly necessary. The typical Libran cry of “but it isn’t fair!” will be heard occasionally. Libran balance and harmony are qualities that will be present in these characters, and will be useful at times of tension, when they can restore harmony with partners, friends, or colleagues.
Mercury in Pisces. People with this placing of Mercury can be highly intuitive, but extremely disorganized, forgetful, and careless. They are exceptionally kind and sympathetic by nature, and will do anything for anyone. Happily, their strong intuition is usually correct, for their lack of organizational ability can lead to confusion that they often find very difficult to resolve. They have a highly vivid imagination that too often works negatively, for they can invent extraordinary falsehoods attempting to get themselves out of trouble. Sun-sign Pisces, Mercury in Pisces. Confusion and muddle tend to surround these people, although (or maybe because) they have wonderful imaginations that can lift them out of the rut of everyday life and into the stratosphere of fancy. This imagination should be channeled and constructively employed.
Venus in Aries. Venus in Aries indicates someone who can be rather aggressive in his or her emotional expression. Usually the pursuer rather than the pursued, these people are enthusiastic, but selfish lovers. Their attitude towards money is enterprising and risks may be taken. Sun-sign Pisces, Venus in Aries. Ardent lovers, these Pisceans will continually strive for a rewarding relationship, which they need for psychological completeness. They enjoy money too much to save it.
Mars in Taurus. These people work tenaciously in their career and leisure activities. An abundant sex drive will be warmly expressed—although there may be a strong element of possessiveness. The energy level will be high, and (provided that Mars is not affected) used in a controlled way. Taurean patience will steady the Martian quick temper, but once aroused, the storm will be robust, and the rebuke will often be expressed much too vigorously, damaging an emotional or professional relationship. One problem with all this energy is that it can turn into stubbornness, and Mars will certainly strengthen this trait if it is indicated elsewhere in the birth chart. In a chart that is dominated by earth signs, the more adventurous facets of Mars will be somewhat repressed, or at any event slowed down. The Taurean need for financial security will be evident, and a great deal of energy will be spent in making money. This is a splendid placing for those who enjoy robust sports, and good too for dancers and athletes since it bestows discipline and strength. The throat is likely to be vulnerable to infections.
Jupiter in Capricorn. Here are rather remarkable people, the product of the combination (at best, a successful blending) of very different characteristics: the positive, extroverted qualities of Jupiter, and the negative, introverted qualities of Capricorn. Individuals born with this combination of planet and sign will be ambitious and determined, welcoming responsibilities, able and willing to work extremely hard and persistently, an having admirable powers of concentration. Their outlook on life will be very sensible and intelligent, and they will accept challenges realistically. The influence of Capricorn prevents the blind optimism of Jupiter, and common sense and caution will always inform their every move. The generosity and flamboyance of Jupiter are not often seen when it is in this sign, and the subject may occasionally have a pessimistic or bleak view of life, but their quirky sense of humor is never far away. These people are usually kind-hearted and thoughtful, although they tend to believe that they are always right, occasionally to the point of pig-headedness. This will be a real problem only if Jupiter receives a square aspect from the Sun or Mon, in which case it is likely that the individual will be so stubborn that he or she will refuse to listen to the opinion of others. When Jupiter is in Capricorn, it is important also to consider the position of Saturn in the chart; if it is heavily aspected to the personal planets, Capricorn’s influence can overshadow that of Jupiter’s, and the subject will be sober and serious. As children, those with Jupiter in Capricorn work cautiously, plodding slowly and deliberately up through the ranks of their contemporaries, eventually reaching the head of the class. For these individuals, making steady, gradual progress is likely to be the pattern throughout life.
Saturn in Gemini. Saturn’s effect from Gemini is generally positive because it stabilizes the personality and ensures that the intellect is focused. These people will be more economical with words than other Geminis, and will put their views across forcefully, succinctly, and impartially. They are capable of highly disciplined thought, and often excel at mathematics and science. However, they are quite often considered incommunicative, and when they do speak out they are likely to be cynical or sarcastic. They often have to resort to their off-beat Saturnian humor when they offend others by expressing themselves more harshly than they intended. They insist on honesty in communication, but they need to guard against excessive criticism. These individuals are prone to suspicion and doubt, and positive thinking and an optimistic outlook should be cultivated if not found elsewhere in the chart. Look at the positions of Mercury and Jupiter to see if their influences might help.
Uranus in Libra. From Libra, Uranus can contribute great powers of attraction, similar to those found in a Sun-sign Libran. The subjects are often loving and romantic, but unlike Sun-sign Librans, they will possess a strong independent streak from Uranus that will battle constantly against their Libran longing for a solid and lasting personal relationship. The partner of a person with Uranus in Libra will sometimes feel that he or she is being treated coolly, and that his or her lover is too independent to make a proper commitment. In most cases, only a thread of independence will emerge in the attitude towards partners, but if either Venus or Uranus is a personal planet, or they are in aspect to each other, these contrasting traits—desire for both partnership and independence—may cause problems in a relationship. If Aquarius is the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant, it is likely that this person wants a partnership, but not a particular partner. It is important for such individuals to come to terms with this facet of their personality if they are to be honest with potential partners. People with Uranus in Libra make faithful friends who are completely dependable, and always ready to give as much consideration and time to their friends as they need. Sympathy and kindness are attributes that Uranus certainly encourages from Libra. Those who are accused of being a little too cool and distant to relatives and loved ones should try to cultivate the same degree of affection they show their friends. This combination of planet and sign is excellent for people with a very high emotional level for it will help to stabilize and rationalize their approach and reaction to life in general.
Pluto in Libra. Sexual permissiveness and the relaxation of traditional moral values was a main theme during the period Pluto spent in Libra. The contraceptive pill brought freedom from the fear of pregnancy for many women, and consequently this was an era when the unfettered pursuit of erotic pleasure seemed a desirable and harmless end in itself. As far as the personal influence goes, Pluto spices up the somewhat placid temperament of Libra, but also increases the Libran tendency to cause problems just for the fun of solving them. This is particularly the case in emotional partnerships, where the pleasure of reconciliation is considered well worth a few hours of unproductive argument. This argumentative trait emerges when Libra is prominent or if Pluto is personalized, the possessiveness and jealous can be problematic in intimate relationships.
First House. Jupiter. People with Jupiter will live their lives to the full, brimming over the optimistic enthusiasm. They possess an enviable breadth of vision, and even if a meticulous sign, such as Virgo, is rising, the individual can concentrate on the broad outline of a situation, rather than focusing on details. Although open and honest, these people may be a little boisterous and have a tendency to exaggerate if Jupiter is afflicted by the Sun, Moon, or Mars. If this more excitable side of Jupiter is dominant, they must be encouraged to cultivate a more philosophical outlook in life.
Third House. Sun. Knowledge is of great importance to these individuals, and intellectual accomplishments will bring a great sense of fulfillment. The third house is the house of Gemini and Mercury, therefore these people tend to be skilled communicators. Sibling relationships are strongly emphasized by this placing. Mercury. Mercury’s influence is particularly powerful in this position, because the third house is connected with Mercury and Gemini. These people are inquisitive and gregarious, with a need to communicate but may be more interested in how they express themselves than in what they say. Keeping up to date with the latest developments is important to these alert and perceptive individuals, and they tend to be voracious readers of newspapers and magazines.
Fourth House. Venus. For those born with Venus in the fourth house, the mother-child relationship is significant. These individuals tend to identify with and emulate their mothers. As a result, there may be problems when they leave home for the first time. These people will work hard to create a home that is a haven of calm and comfort. The subjects are loving and supportive parents, but may spoil their children. Mars. The fourth house governs family and home life, in particular the relationship between mother and child. This placing indicates a strong and forceful mother, who plays a dominant role in her child’s life. The subjects tend to be restless and may move house frequently. Their powerful Martial energy will be directed towards improving and redecorating the home.
Fifth House. Saturn. This placing indicates a dogmatic, overbearing father figure. As a result, these people may feel inadequate and unable to express their emotions for fear of rejection. Only if they can overcome their inhibitions will they find happiness and contentment. They are extremely ambitious for their children, and must not be too pushy. When it comes to affairs of the heart, these individuals are extremely serious. They can be rather lacking in humor and must work hard to develop a sense of fun.
Ninth House. Pluto. Intellectual processes are emphasized by this position, and these individuals have an innate desire to study and increase their intellectual horizons. They are true perfectionists and will often have difficulty in finishing a job, always believing that the result could be improved upon. These people also tend to possess strong spiritual and religious principles, and if Pluto is afflicted, they can become quite fanatical about their beliefs. Moon. These people have strong spiritual and moral values. In theory eager to study, their fluctuating powers of concentrating may obstruct their desire to develop the intellect. A strong Moon sign and god aspects to Mercury and Jupiter are sure to help, however. It is important for these individuals to avoid fantasy and concentrate firmly on fact—the ability to keep both feet firmly on the ground must be encouraged. Uranus. People with Uranus in the ninth house tend to be original and brilliant thinkers. Their strong powers of intelligence are formidable, and they often possess scientific flair or unique literary talents. Constant mental stimulation is necessary—these people reach out to unique and exciting experiences with both hands. Travel is important to these individuals, and they will enjoy exotic and unusual experiences while broadening their horizons.
Twelfth House.
Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat.
- Kipling, The Ballad of East and West
About two weeks before I left for
On the next day after my arrival, I went to meet a colleague from our
On Wednesday morning, I passed by the Philippine Embassy in order to investigate on the dates when the British came to the
Mark and I had a good laugh when I told him about this the second time we met that it's very likely we share the same ancestor. I was so happy and proud that I finally found out the origin of my name. From the beginning of my search, I was of the opinion that it was Scandinavian, instead. After my visit to the
I wish somehow Kipling were alive today so that Mark and I could invite him for a toast on the occasion of our meeting!
“Doctor, is there anything wrong with me?“
“You have nothing to worry about. You are in an excellent condition. However, as a result of a lengthy investigation in close collaboration with other specialists, we found out that you are suffering from an unusually rare case of an inverted penis syndrome.”
”Doctor, how could you say such a thing? What’s this nonsense all about? How on earth could this ever happen to me, in particular?“
“You see, you’re a woman physically but a man biologically. This means that your sexual organ didn’t develop normally at birth, instead it retracted into the form of a cavity similar to that of a vagina and the scrotum was reduced exceptionally to resemble that of a clitoris and contained whatever remained of the testicles.“
“That seems to be impossible! How would you explain logically the reason why I could have recurrent menstruations if I weren’t a woman in the first place? Moreover, I experienced a strange but highly stimulating sensation the first time I got very kinky but somewhat horny. Without any apparent explanation, I was instantly overwhelmed by a series of spasms, which were so strong that I could hardly breath. I think I must have passed out as soon as I went into a trance. All of a sudden, I felt my whole body on fire and in the verge of exploding. I was totally enraptured in a state of bliss for as long as I felt the warm and thick fluid, which I presumed to be white blood corpuscles, gushing forth in spurts between my legs. Doctor, I never felt so scared in my life before that I believed I was going to bleed to death at that very moment.“
“As far as I’m concerned, your specific case could simply be psychological by provoking an internal hemorrhage wherein the blood is spilled out each time you subconsciously think that it’s your menstrual period. The very particular and pleasant sensation that you had experienced is none other than orgasm, which triggered off a rapid succession of ejaculations that sent forth-creamy fluid known as sperm, the one you just referred to as white blood corpuscles. Therefore, you don’t have any more reason to worry or think about dying from anemia or leukemia. On the contrary, you must be aware by now that you have a great stock of healthy and fertile sperm that could be highly susceptible for reproduction. In short, you could be a donor or even impregnate if you so desire, but only by artificial insemination.”
“Doctor, what should I do now? I’m rather too perturbed and perplexed to learn what I totally ignored before I finally discovered my true identity. If I were neither a man, a woman nor an in-between, what am I then?“
“In my opinion, what I could say is you’re a marginal example of a seemingly exceptional case that is known as ‘freak of destiny,’ which means a person born in a wrong body. Honestly, your specific case is out of my competence. However, I could recommend you a colleague who is highly qualified and experienced in dealing with a delicate situation such as yours so that he could help you sort out and come into terms with your identity crisis in the long run. If ever you should need my professional assistance one way or another, please don’t hesitate to contact me again anytime at your convenience.“
“Doctor, don’t you think that there could be a possibility for me to undergo a total overhauling of my reproductive system such as the transplant of a complete and functional female organ the same way as it has been performed successfully on other parts of the body like heart, liver, bladder, lungs or intestine?”
“That’s a very good question but rather too delicate a subject matter to deal with. However taking into consideration your age, state of mind and the complexity of the operation that would likely be involved in the process, I’m afraid it’s completely out of the question. In your particular case, I wouldn’t even think of resorting to any form of cloning as an alternative, because it would be tantamount to undermine the credibility of the medical profession as a whole than to create precedence even if you’re convinced that it could lead to a revolutionary breakthrough in science. Honestly, it has never crossed my mind to contemplate on performing any experiment on you like it’s done scientifically in laboratories on ordinary rats or guinea pigs for I’m afraid that I’d turn you irremediably into some kind of a mutant or worse yet, a monster! In the long run, however, I believe personally that you’d simply be better off being as what you are now. Although you possess a male reproductive organ, you have a greater advantage to be able to perform sexually as a normal female than those who declare themselves to be born in a wrong body that have to recourse to a surgical operation for a sex change so that they could become like you. In spite of the unending miseries and problems that abound the present continuously, life is still worth living for so that you could be happy, merry and gay, isn’t it? As a friendly advice, just stay cool and enjoy being a girl!”
Editor's note: This is just an excerpt, but the complete version could be obtained upon request.
Fourth House: Mars. The fourth house governs family and home life, in particular the relationship between mother and child. This placing indicates a strong and forceful mother, who plays a dominant role in her child’s life. The subjects tend to be restless and may move house frequently. Their powerful Martian energy will be directed towards improving and redecorating the home.
Fifth House: Moon. From this house, the Moon’s creative drive is directed mainly towards procreation. It is the house of lovemaking, and the subjects tend to be ardent, passionate lovers. There is an extroverted streak, which may manifest itself in a desire to show off. The Moon sign can exacerbate of control this tendency—a Piscean Moon, for example, will encourage introversion. The individual may be attracted by risk and danger, but the Sun and Ascending signs may help to counter this unfortunate tendency.
Ninth House: Sun. Challenging journeys, for both mind and body, are guaranteed to appeal to those born with the Sun in the ninth house. Education, philosophy, and travel are all very important to these individuals, and they will want to broaden their intellectual horizons and develop an individual philosophy of life. These subjects have a rich fantasy life, which can get out of hand, and a practical approach to life must be encouraged. Jupiter. The pursuit of knowledge is the focal point of the ninth house. These people possess great intellectual ability, a love of study, and breadth of vision. A passion for travel is often combined with a flair for languages, and the subjects may live and work abroad. However, if Jupiter occupies a fire or air sign, or is negatively aspected by Mercury or Mars, love of travel may manifest itself as extreme restlessness.
Tenth House: Mercury. These people like to frequently change their jobs, and even their careers. Ideally, their work needs to have a good mix of intellectual stimulation, responsibility, and mobility. This is the house of the father, and subjects may think and plan in a manner reminiscent of their father. On a deeper level, the voice of the “father” may be the inner voice of conscience.
Eleventh House: Venus. A lively and action-packed social life is important to people born with Venus in the eleventh house, and they usually possess an abundance of friends and acquaintances. These individuals have a flair for organizing social events and are talented at fundraising, for their social skills are combined with charitable and tender hearts. They work well with others, and are ideal committee members. Charming an friendly, these people work hard to win admiration and praise from others, for they have an innate desire to please. Pluto. People with Pluto in the eleventh house are sociable and gregarious and enjoy team activities. They eagerly seek the approval and good opinion of others, and the prospect of displeasing or disappointing their friends will cause them great alarm. This eagerness to please should not be allowed to get out of hand, since individuals may begin to live their lives solely to please others instead of themselves. Subjects possess a broad humanitarian streak, and if Pluto is positively aspected they will devote much time and effort to making the world a better place, possibly by joining charitable organizations and raising money to help those in need.
Aries. An extremely favorable and fortunate period, a time for new beginnings in both your private and professional capacity—in fact love and marriage look well aspected under this particular vibration. Happiness is certainly promised as re success and honor during this phase. Any plans made for the future are also almost certain to succeed. All in all this should prove to be an enjoyable and rewarding period of your life.
Taurus. This is a period when you should expect the unexpected because it will greatly affect the final outcome of this phase of your development. There will be challenges to meet which prove extremely beneficial if handled in the right manner. Important decisions will also have to be taken as a new phase in your life is trying to get under way. Make sure that your choices are realistic as this is not the time to indulge in wishful thinking—both your feet should be kept very firmly on the ground.
Gemini. This is a transition period from one stage of development to another. This is a time to forget the past and wipe the slate clean again, ready for a fresh phase. This represents the end of a cycle. You should make an attempt to tidy up all those loose ends, terminate any relationships which have become stale and unfulfilling and put your affairs in order generally. It could even prove beneficial to change jobs if yours offers few, if any, prospects for the future. Then sit back and wait for the wheel to turn and for the arrival of the next stage in your development.
Cancer. This period can point to the beginning of an important phase. It indicates a time to do and dare, when you will be given the opportunity to alter the whole course of your future if only you have sufficient courage to take the reins in both hands. You must be prepared to stand up for yourself and to have the courage of your own convictions because no one else will fight your battles for you. Be more independent, and learn to take responsibility for yourself. This could also be a time when you will have to make some important decisions. You should avoid acting impulsively and make sure that you allow yourself sufficient time to realize the full implications of these decisions and the far-reaching consequences a rash decision could have.
Leo. This period can indicate some minor problems arising which could so easily have been avoided with a little forward planning. This is not a period when any major steps forward can be made. It is a time to collect your thoughts and to become aware of yourself and of your inner feelings. Co-operate more with those around you and try to become one of a team working together towards a common goal. Learn to be more tactful and to think before you speak; it could save a great deal of unpleasantness and embarrassment at a later date. Remember too that if you want to keep a secret you must never tell anyone no matter how sympathetic or trustworthy their outward appearance may be.
Virgo. This indicates a period when your affairs are likely to take a turn for the better and this beneficial upswing is likely to be caused by events over which you have no personal control. Destiny is a strange process and sometimes takes quite a while to manifest itself fully. Luck will be very much with you during this phase and any speculative ventures you become involve in stand a very fair chance of paying dividends. A problem which has been worrying you for some time could also be solved through a rather strange set of circumstances. This is generally a very remunerative period. It is time to reap the rewards, so rightly deserved, for past efforts.
Libra. This indicates a time to be courageous, a time to grasp every chance that comes your way with both hands and to make it work for you. This is also a period in your life when you should settle old scores or reconcile yourself to circumstances as they actually are. This could mean that you should take the trouble to patch up a quarrel but is more likely to refer to an inner conflict. You will need to discipline yourself in order to regain self-control, and so become free of the constant swing of mood which are not only distracting but disruptive to. Now is the time when your chickens could start coming home to roost, when you may be called upon to take responsibility for some past misdemeanor which you thought had been forgotten.
Scorpio. This period indicates a domestic slant. Anything and everything remotely domestic can, and probably will, happen. This could cover such major issues as marriage, children or a move of home, or more minor matters such as the purchase of a new car, an extension to the house or a major redecoration scheme. The accent can also fall on artistic/creative projects during this period when you may decide to put your undoubted talents to better use. Your intuition could also help you find the answer to a long-standing problem which has hitherto seemed insoluble.
Sagittarius. This indicates the end of a particular cycle in ones destiny. This is a period for tying up loose ends and successfully completing any matters in hand which need to be finalized. A time to put your life in order, ready for a new and exciting phase to begin. Travel is also quite possible under this influence especially if for pleasure. You will need to be relaxed and refreshed in order to face the next challenge life has in store for you.
Capricorn. This is a period of ‘awakening’ when new plans and ambitions can be put into action. However, everything may not turn quite so smoothly as you could wish and the odd delay or hindrance is only to be expected. You should be able to achieve a great deal during this phase of your life but your real reward will be the pleasure of accomplishing rather than a monetary one. If your health has previously been causing you some concern it should improve under this vibration and you will look all set to enjoy a new lease of life.
Aquarius. This indicates period when intuition, rather than reason, should be relied upon to make any headway at all. This is a ‘crisis of faith’ situation when the only thing you can truly rely upon is yourself. Even when it has only a temporary effect this can cause attempt to escape from reality by various means which you should actively resist. Also health problems are accentuated and greater care than usual should be taken to ensure good health if you wish to come through this period unscathed. You must endeavor to slow down the pace of your life and proceed from the elements, and treachery and deception from friends.
Pisces. This indicates a fairly major changes in your lifestyle—possibly a change of job, residence, partner, or all three. Some of these changes and alterations you will make voluntarily but it will seem that others have been almost forced upon you against your will. All in all, this will be a restless and unsettled period of your life when it will be difficult to know what to do for the best. Some people who fall under the temporary influence of this period may seek comfort and advice through religious involvement while others may console themselves in a series of love affairs and brief relationships to prove their physical attraction.
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