Thursday, March 02, 2006

Aries. An extremely favorable and fortunate period, a time for new beginnings in both your private and professional capacity—in fact love and marriage look well aspected under this particular vibration. Happiness is certainly promised as re success and honor during this phase. Any plans made for the future are also almost certain to succeed. All in all this should prove to be an enjoyable and rewarding period of your life.

Taurus. This is a period when you should expect the unexpected because it will greatly affect the final outcome of this phase of your development. There will be challenges to meet which prove extremely beneficial if handled in the right manner. Important decisions will also have to be taken as a new phase in your life is trying to get under way. Make sure that your choices are realistic as this is not the time to indulge in wishful thinking—both your feet should be kept very firmly on the ground.

Gemini. This is a transition period from one stage of development to another. This is a time to forget the past and wipe the slate clean again, ready for a fresh phase. This represents the end of a cycle. You should make an attempt to tidy up all those loose ends, terminate any relationships which have become stale and unfulfilling and put your affairs in order generally. It could even prove beneficial to change jobs if yours offers few, if any, prospects for the future. Then sit back and wait for the wheel to turn and for the arrival of the next stage in your development.

Cancer. This period can point to the beginning of an important phase. It indicates a time to do and dare, when you will be given the opportunity to alter the whole course of your future if only you have sufficient courage to take the reins in both hands. You must be prepared to stand up for yourself and to have the courage of your own convictions because no one else will fight your battles for you. Be more independent, and learn to take responsibility for yourself. This could also be a time when you will have to make some important decisions. You should avoid acting impulsively and make sure that you allow yourself sufficient time to realize the full implications of these decisions and the far-reaching consequences a rash decision could have.

Leo. This period can indicate some minor problems arising which could so easily have been avoided with a little forward planning. This is not a period when any major steps forward can be made. It is a time to collect your thoughts and to become aware of yourself and of your inner feelings. Co-operate more with those around you and try to become one of a team working together towards a common goal. Learn to be more tactful and to think before you speak; it could save a great deal of unpleasantness and embarrassment at a later date. Remember too that if you want to keep a secret you must never tell anyone no matter how sympathetic or trustworthy their outward appearance may be.

Virgo. This indicates a period when your affairs are likely to take a turn for the better and this beneficial upswing is likely to be caused by events over which you have no personal control. Destiny is a strange process and sometimes takes quite a while to manifest itself fully. Luck will be very much with you during this phase and any speculative ventures you become involve in stand a very fair chance of paying dividends. A problem which has been worrying you for some time could also be solved through a rather strange set of circumstances. This is generally a very remunerative period. It is time to reap the rewards, so rightly deserved, for past efforts.

Libra. This indicates a time to be courageous, a time to grasp every chance that comes your way with both hands and to make it work for you. This is also a period in your life when you should settle old scores or reconcile yourself to circumstances as they actually are. This could mean that you should take the trouble to patch up a quarrel but is more likely to refer to an inner conflict. You will need to discipline yourself in order to regain self-control, and so become free of the constant swing of mood which are not only distracting but disruptive to. Now is the time when your chickens could start coming home to roost, when you may be called upon to take responsibility for some past misdemeanor which you thought had been forgotten.

Scorpio. This period indicates a domestic slant. Anything and everything remotely domestic can, and probably will, happen. This could cover such major issues as marriage, children or a move of home, or more minor matters such as the purchase of a new car, an extension to the house or a major redecoration scheme. The accent can also fall on artistic/creative projects during this period when you may decide to put your undoubted talents to better use. Your intuition could also help you find the answer to a long-standing problem which has hitherto seemed insoluble.

Sagittarius. This indicates the end of a particular cycle in ones destiny. This is a period for tying up loose ends and successfully completing any matters in hand which need to be finalized. A time to put your life in order, ready for a new and exciting phase to begin. Travel is also quite possible under this influence especially if for pleasure. You will need to be relaxed and refreshed in order to face the next challenge life has in store for you.

Capricorn. This is a period of ‘awakening’ when new plans and ambitions can be put into action. However, everything may not turn quite so smoothly as you could wish and the odd delay or hindrance is only to be expected. You should be able to achieve a great deal during this phase of your life but your real reward will be the pleasure of accomplishing rather than a monetary one. If your health has previously been causing you some concern it should improve under this vibration and you will look all set to enjoy a new lease of life.

Aquarius. This indicates period when intuition, rather than reason, should be relied upon to make any headway at all. This is a ‘crisis of faith’ situation when the only thing you can truly rely upon is yourself. Even when it has only a temporary effect this can cause attempt to escape from reality by various means which you should actively resist. Also health problems are accentuated and greater care than usual should be taken to ensure good health if you wish to come through this period unscathed. You must endeavor to slow down the pace of your life and proceed from the elements, and treachery and deception from friends.

Pisces. This indicates a fairly major changes in your lifestyle—possibly a change of job, residence, partner, or all three. Some of these changes and alterations you will make voluntarily but it will seem that others have been almost forced upon you against your will. All in all, this will be a restless and unsettled period of your life when it will be difficult to know what to do for the best. Some people who fall under the temporary influence of this period may seek comfort and advice through religious involvement while others may console themselves in a series of love affairs and brief relationships to prove their physical attraction.


My birthday is May 13.

I linked you to my blog.

Its May 13, 1967, around 5 pm, Palo leyte Philippines.

I hope this helps.
Dear Chas,

How very sweet of you for such a generous proposition. In principle, I never give my password. To my surprise yesterday, my blog server temporarily
blocked my downloading of new entries because of contentious spam problems. As an alternative, therefore, I was obliged to create a new one which you can now log on to (happyhoroscope.blogsource.com) with same entries, but which I found too confusing and complex to download pictures or graphics
that I finally gave up in the end without any illustrations in order to get the blog published.

On a second thought, I wonder if you could possibly create the template you saw with a temporary password that could be changed should I approve of the format? Please let me know. Once again, I do appreciate your kind attention
and consideration. I'm looking forward to hearing from you again. May God bless and keep you always. Warm regards.
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