ARIES. You can expect a particularly happy, easy-going phase of your life when friendships could play a fairly major role in your affairs. Business partnerships look promising while your romantic life is well aspected with perhaps marriage taking place at the end of this period.
TAURUS. This is a time to do and dare, when you will be given the opportunity to alter the whole course of your future if only you have sufficient courage to take the reins in both hands. You must be prepared to stand up for yourself and to have the courage of your own convictions because no one else will fight your battles for you. Be more independent, and learn to take responsibility for yourself. This could also be a time when you will have to make some important decisions. You should avoid acting impulsively and make sure that you allow yourself sufficient time to realize the full implications of these decisions and the far-reaching consequences a rash decision could have.
GEMINI. This period tends to make you want more from life than you have found already. Established pursuits and relationships tend to lose their former attraction and the search begins for something new and altogether more fulfilling at all levels. This quest for new experience is a beneficial move which should evoke many rewards in the rather more distant future.
CANCER. Change and a totally unexpected major change in personal circumstances is bound to take place during this period. What’s more, this change is likely to be the only possible solution to a prevailing situation however surprising this may seem. Long-standing plans and proposals might also need to be altered, or even aborted, but this is not a bad thing because it will leave you free to take up other, more exciting, offers when they arise. This period could also indicate the commencement of a whole new phase in your life when you must be prepared to forget the past, and all the memories it holds for you, in order to move on and make progress.
LEO. This could be a period of unremitting hard work. However, financial rewards are also promised when the task has been completed. You should try to remain calm and patient when annoying set-backs occur and don’t be too proud to accept any help that may be offered no matter how much you suspect the motives behind such a proposal – many hands make lighter work!
VIRGO. You should prepare yourself for a general feeling of inconsistency and contradiction about almost anything with which you become involved. Great opportunities for future success could be offered to you but you most proceed with caution if you don’t want to see them vanish before your eyes. A loss of some kind is likely indicated, which will probably be monetary although it could be friends or business contracts. Treat anything which appears suspicious with extreme care until this period passes.
LIBRA. Choice is the keyword during this period but it’s up to you which opportunity you decide to pursue. There are sure to be several alternatives to choose from but one holds more promise than all the rest put together. Will you make the right decision? You would do well to examine your motives carefully to ensure that you make the right choice.
SCORPIO. This is a period of ‘awakening’ when new plans and ambitions can be put into action. However, everything may not run quite so smoothly as you could wish and the odd delay or hindrance is only to be expected. You should be able to achieve a great deal during this phase of your life but your real reward will be the pleasure of accomplishing rather than a monetary one. If your health has previously been causing you some concern it should improve during this period and you look all set to enjoy a new lease of life.
SAGITTARIUS. This is a time to be courageous, a time to grasp every chance that comes your way with both hands and to make it work for you. This is also a period in your life when you should settle old scores or reconcile yourself to circumstances as they actually are. This could mean that you should take the trouble to patch up a quarrel but is more likely to refer to an inner conflict. You will need to discipline yourself in order to regain self-control, and so become free of the constant swings of mood which are not only distracting but disruptive too. Now is the time when you may be called upon to take responsibility for some past misdemeanour which you thought had been forgotten.
CAPTRICORN. This is a period when balance can be restored; when life can get back onto an even keel and when financial problems can be resolved. A surprise windfall perhaps as a result of an inheritance, a gift or even a lucky win should go a long way to solving any problems!
AQUARIUS. This promises to be a particularly fertile phase in your life when seeds sown for the future are sure to take root and grow into success and abundance. It is also a good time to consider entering into marriage or starting a family, should you feel so inclined. You should endeavour to convert your ideas into reality – the rewards for a productive intellect could be especially great at this time.
PISCES. Anything and everything remotely domestic can, and probably will, happen. This could cover such major issues as marriage, childbirth or a move of home, or more minor matters such as the purchase of a new car, an extension to the house or a major redecoration scheme. The accent can also fall on artistic/creative projects during this period when you may decide to put your undoubted talents to better use. Your intuition could also help you find the answer to a long-standing problem which has hitherto seemed insoluble.
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