Monday, October 01, 2007
ARIES. Business opportunities and travel are well aspected under this period. Stimulating developments should take place in your career which could result in several trip, probably abroad. These should prove to be a great success provided you get your facts straight and always play by the rules. If not -- watch out! Some form of partnership also seems likely and this could mean a new romantic attachment to you.

TAURUS. The keyword here is balance. Friendship is well aspected and it should be possible to find amicable solutions to old quarrels and arguments which can now be viewed in a different light. This should prove to be a particularly pleasant and harmonious phase of your life.

GEMINI. Your best advice is to keep a low profile. Keep your head well down and do nothing. If however you decide to ignore this warning, you should be prepared for disappointment, failure, interference and ruined plans.

CANCER. Now is the time to harvest the fruits of your labors. All your hard work will finally pay dividends and you should be well rewarded for your efforts. Once you have finished celebrating your success you should endeavor to relax, because this is what your body needs after all the pressure it has been under lately. Try to get away for a while if at all possible.

LEO. This should be a very favorable period indeed when you will feel victorious because you will see a major hope fulfilled. Good news is also on the way concerning a matter of a rather personal nature. When dealing with people who seem to oppose your views and opinions, it would be wise to win them round to your way of thinking by diplomacy instead of brute force.

VIRGO. This period indicates fairly major changes in your lifestyle -- possibly a change of job, residence, partner, or all three. Some of these changes and alterations you will make voluntarily but it will seem others have been almost forced upon you against your will. All in all, this will be a restless and unsettled period of your life when it will be difficult to know what to do for the best. Some people may seek comfort and advice through religious involvement while others may console themselves in a series of love affairs and brief relationships to prove their physical attraction.

LIBRA. This period promises happiness as a reward for something done in the past. In fact, this is very much concerned with what has happened before and how it will affect you both now and in the future. An old idea will be reborn making a much greater impact the second time around because of some slight modifications you will choose to make to the original concept. A happy period although there could be that feeling of déjà vu about it all.

SCORPIO. Increase is the keyword under this period. Now is the time to double your money and really make a financial killing provided that you pay attention to detail and don’t allow over-enthusiasm to get the better of your good sense -- and money. Material gain through skillful manipulation of your resources is definitely on the cards at this time.

SAGITTARIUS. You should try to practice economy whenever possible and store away any plans for the future until matters pick up again and your circumstances improve.

CAPRICORN. This is a time in your life when you should treat warily and consider with extra care any decisions or changes you may be about to make. Your immediate future doesn’t look too promising for several reasons -- some of your friends/associates are really wolves in sheep’s clothing and will take advantage of you whenever they have the opportunity to do so; partnerships and speculations could fail because you have been given second-rate guidance; union politics could play a deciding role in your future prosperity. Proceed with caution during this tricky period -- it’s only temporary and will eventually pass.

AQUARIUS. Many challenging situations will crop up when least expected. You will need all your courage to deal with them. Keep a firm control of matters as once you lose this your opponents will be able to take the upper hand. Troubles will be your constant companions but don’t despair too much as they will all pass, leaving you a stronger character for the experience.

PISCES. You should experience a period of particularly good health. You will be feeling on top of the world when no task will seem too onerous. However, you should try to resist the temptation to push yourself to the limits as this could have serious consequences at a later date. A wealthy marriage is also quite possible for those of you prepared to put financial security before love.

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