Thursday, May 31, 2007

ARIES. This is a period when you will be in a position to gain further knowledge through experience. Now is the time to use your creative energy to the full and to build yourself a reputation for being a conscientious person who can produce results. You should also gain materially from your efforts if you are prepared to shoulder extra responsibilities and to tackle any obstacles you may find in your path. A new relationship, which could in time become permanent, seems likely during this phase of your life!

TAURUS. This is a period when intuition, rather than reason, should be relied upon to make any headway at all. This is a ‘crisis of faith’ situation when the only thing you can truly rely upon is yourself. Even when it has only a temporary effect, this can cause attempts to escape from reality by various means which you should actively resist. Also health problems can be accentuated and greater care than usual should be taken to ensure good health if you with to come through this period unscathed. You must endeavor to slow down the pace of your life and proceed with caution and circumspection.

GEMINI. Balance can be restored under this period, when life can get back onto an even keel and when financial problems can be resolved. A surprise windfall perhaps as a result of an inheritance, a gift or even a lucky win should go a long way to solving any problems.

CANCER. Anything and everything remotely domestic can, and probably will, happen. This could cover such major issues as marriage, children or a move of home, or more minor matters such as the purchase of a new car, an extension to the house or a major redecoration scheme. The accent can also fall on artistic/creative projects when you may decide to put your undoubted talents to better use. Your intuition could also help you find the answer to a long-standing problem which has hitherto seemed insoluble.

LEO. You are required to take on extra responsibilities particularly in your private life, one of your children may need your support or an elderly relative could prove burdensome. You may have to make some form of personal sacrifice in order to fulfill all your obligations but this will turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Have courage and don’t despair, you are in for a busy and physically demanding time.

VIRGO. You should expect the unexpected because it will greatly affect the final outcome of this phase of your development. There will be challenges to meet which will prove extremely beneficial if handled in the right manner. Important decisions will also have to be taken as a new phase in your life is trying to get under way. Make sure that your choices are realistic as this is not the time to indulge in wishful thinking -- both your feet should be kept very firmly on the ground.

LIBRA. This is a time to forget the past and wipe the slate clean again, ready for a fresh phase. You should make an attempt to tidy up all those loose ends, terminate any relationships which have become stale and unfulfilling and put your affairs in order generally. It could even prove beneficial to change jobs if yours offers few, if any, prospects for the future.

SCORPIO. You should prepare yourself for a general feeling of inconsistency and contradiction about almost anything with which you become involved. Great opportunities for future success could be offered to you during this time but you must proceed with caution if you don’t want to see them vanish before your eyes. Treat anything which appears suspicious with extreme care until this period passes.

SAGITTARIUS. Now is the time to take a back seat and let the world pass you by for a while. Rest and relaxation are what you need and if you are sensitive you should see that you get them. Nothing is that important that it can’t wait just a little longer before it is attended to -- your health must come first. Visits to the doctor, possibly even a stay in hospital, can all be avoided if you apply the brakes now.

CAPRICORN. This is not a period when any major steps forward can be made without a little forward planning. It is a time to collect your thoughts and to become aware of yourself and of your inner feelings. Cooperate more with those around you and try to become one of a team working together towards a common goal. Learn to be more tactful and to think before you speak; it could save a great deal of unpleasantness and embarrassment at a later date. Remember too that if you want to keep a secret you must never tell anyone no matter how sympathetic or trustworthy their outward appearance may be.

AQUARIUS. This is a good time to take a break from what you are doing. Stop trying to live your life on a head-on collision course with everyone else. Try to take a short holiday if at all possible but at least take a few days off to relax and let yourself unwind a little. Yoga or meditation might help some of you, while painting, listening to music or simply daydreaming could be of more benefit to others. A short period of enforced rest and relaxation now could have a long-term benefit on you health and physical well-being generally.

PISCES. This is a time for growth and the establishment of concrete plans for the future. This can be a particularly enjoyable period of your life when old problems and difficulties can be ironed out and finally forgotten. Lady Luck will also be smiling favorably on you and you could find yourself on the receiving end of a small windfall or two, perhaps from a lottery or a bequest. Marriage and children are highly possible during this period, or they may mean the development of your talents and the birth of new ideas and concepts to work towards. Travel is also a possibility although this could be for business it is more likely to be for the sheer physical pleasure of the whole experience.
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