TAURUS. A totally unexpected major change in personal circumstances is bound to take place which is likely to be the only possible solution to a prevailing situation however surprising this may seem. Long-standing plans and proposals might also need to be altered, or even aborted, but this is not a bad thing because it will leave you free to take up other, more exciting, offers when they arise.
GEMINI. You could possibly gain more personal freedom and escape from the restrictions previously imposed upon your movements. You could, however, just as easily, become tied down by personal problems and feel trapped and bound by obligations. Tiredness and strain due to overwork should be guarded against during this phase of your life and if making long-term plans try to allow for the unforeseen by adding a few extra days or figures to your calculations.
CANCER. It is necessary to undergo a certain degree of personal suffering in order to achieve further spiritual development. It should be regarded as a warning signal and treated accordingly. Plan ahead to avoid possible disappointment.
LEO. This is a period of unremitting hard work. However, financial rewards are also promised when the task has been completed. You should try to remain calm and patient when annoying set-backs occur and don’t be too proud to accept any help that may be offered no matter how much you suspect the motives behind such a proposal -- many hands make lighter work!
VIRGO. This period should allow you sufficient time to see matters in perspective -- as they really are and not just how they seem to be at a quick glance. A reversal or a change is quite likely to happen; something which has been going badly for you could start to improve, and so on. However, there is usually a price to be paid for most things in life and you may have to make a few voluntary sacrifices in order to gain other advantages later in life.
LIBRA. This is a period of good fortune, fulfillment and possible travel. Many good opportunities for personal advancement should arise which will make the immediate future appear more hopeful, secure and happy than it has done for some considerable time. You should be encouraged to broaden your horizons and look at life, and what it has to offer, from a wider viewpoint than you have previously done. A new lease of life should be yours with sufficient energy to accomplish everything that you desire.
SCORPIO. New plans can be put into action. However, everything may not run quite so smoothly as you could wish and the odd delay or hindrance is only to be expected. You should be able to achieve a great deal during this phase of your life but your real reward will be the pleasure of accomplishing rather than a monetary one. If your health has previously been causing you some concern it should improve and you look all set to enjoy a new lease of life!
SAGITTARIUS. This could be a very testing and challenging period for you from all points of view when you will certainly need to have your wits about you if you are to emerge from it unbeaten and unscathed. Be prepared for quick decisions brought about by unexpected events.
CAPRICORN. This is a time to be courageous, a time to grasp every chance that comes your way with both hands and to make it work for you. This is also a period in your life when you should settle old scores or reconcile yourself to circumstances as they actually are. This could mean that you should take the trouble to patch up a quarrel but is more likely to refer to an inner conflict. You will need to discipline yourself in order to regain self-control, and so become free of the constant swings of mood which are not only distracting but disruptive too. Now is the time when you may be called upon to take responsibility for some past misdemeanor which you thought had been forgotten.
AQUARIUS. This is a time to do and dare, when you will be given the opportunity to alter the whole course of your future if only you have sufficient courage to take the reins in both hands. You must be prepared to stand up for yourself and to have the courage of your own convictions because no one else will fight your battles for you. Be more independent, and learn to take responsibility for yourself. This could also be a time when you will have to make some important decisions. You should avoid acting impulsively and make sure that you allow yourself sufficient time to realize the full implications of these decisions and the far-reaching consequences a rash decision could have.
PISCES. Choice is the keyword under this period but it’s up to you which opportunity you decide to pursue. There are sure to be several alternatives to choose from but one holds more promise than all the rest put together. Will you make the right decisions? You would do well to examine your motives carefully to ensure that you make the right choice.
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