ARIES. Business opportunities and travel are well aspected under this period. Stimulating developments should take place in your career which could result in several short trips, probably abroad. These should prove to be a great success provided that you get your facts straight and always play by the rules. If not – watch out! Some form of partnership also seems likely and this could mean a new romantic attachment for you!
TAURUS. Now is the time to harvest the fruits of your labors. All your hard work will finally pay dividends and you should be well rewarded for your efforts. Once you have finished celebrating success you should endeavor to relax, because this is what your body needs after all the pressure it has been under lately. Try to get away for a while if at all possible.
GEMINI. This is the right time to do battle for what is wanted. Off with the kid gloves and stop defending yourself with excuses! This is the only way that you will ever be victorious. Once you have shown your teeth people will think twice before they try to fob you off with petty excuses again.
CANCER. This is a particularly fertile phase in your life when seeds sown for the future are sure to take root and grow into success and abundance. You should endeavor to convert your ideas into reality – the rewards for a productive intellect could be especially great at this time. It is also a good time to consider entering into marriage or starting a family, should you feel so inclined!
LEO. You should expect to encounter a few minor problems which will need to be solved. Some extra responsibilities may also be temporarily placed upon your shoulders for which you should receive adequate compensation. Your health should be particularly good at this time and you should endeavor to channel all your surplus energy into a project which is both useful and creative.
VIRGO. This period promises substantial progress in a project for which you are solely responsible coupled with some form of personal reward in recognition of all the long hours and hard work you have invested in the scheme. A major change in your lifestyle is also indicated which will be necessary if you wish to build a more secure future for yourself. Some of the restrictions which you have been under in the past should now lift allowing you more personal freedom and ample time to enjoy it.
LIBRA. This should prove to be a particularly busy social period when there is much to be done and not nearly enough time to do it. Your family will probably choose to be especially supportive during this period if you’re not too stubborn to accept their help. Change is in the air and this could be of environment, occupation or both. A new and meaningful relationship is also almost certain to flourish.
SCORPIO. This period heralds successful planning prior to the start of a new venture of some kind. This could point to the opening of a business, perhaps the purchase of a new property or, on a more personal level, marriage and parenthood. Look after your money during this phase, your enthusiasm could cause you to overspend!
SAGITTARIUS. This would be an appropriate time to swallow your pride. There are some facts in life that we all have to accept no matter how unpalatable, and inevitable. Once you have regained self-control you will see that there are other avenues open for you to explore.
CAPRICORN. This promises new avenues to explore for those of you willing to try something hitherto unknown and untested. You will need to be extremely flexible during this period and should be prepared to alter existing plans at the last moment without becoming flustered. Opportunities to travel could also come your way although your movements, in all probability, be restricted to your own country.
AQUARIUS. Don’t do anything precipitous on the spur of the moment. Instead you should allow yourself time to think matters over carefully before reaching a final decision, especially where contracts are concerned. Marriage is also a contract and it should be considered with extreme caution!
PISCES. During this period few things will go smoothly. Be prepared for delays, cancellations and a great deal of wasted time. There could also be some problems in your private life which will need careful handling if you wish to continue in your present relationship. Fortunately a positive outcome is also quite likely when something much better and longer lasting can be established.
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