Tuesday, September 12, 2006

ARIES. This period promises substantial progress in a project for which you are solely responsible coupled with some form of personal reward in recognition of all the long hours and hard work you have invested. A major change in your lifestyle is also indicated which will be necessary if you wish to build a more secure future for yourself. Some of the restrictions which you have been under in the past should now lift allowing you more personal freedom and ample time to enjoy it.

TAURUS. You are likely in for expansion and the opportunity for personal advancement. Now is the time to think a little bigger than usual, to push yourself and your ideas, and to climb a few rungs higher up the ladder of success before this fortuitous period ends. You may need to work harder than normal but the rewards should prove adequate compensation for all the extra effort required.

GEMINI. This indicates a period of ‘awakening’ when new plans and ambitions can be put into action. However, everything may not run quite so smoothly as you could wish and the odd delay or hindrance is only to be expected. You should be able to achieve a great deal during this phase of your life but your real reward will be the pleasure of accomplishing rather than a monetary one. If your health has previously been causing you some concern it should improve and you look all set to enjoy a new lease of life.

CANCER. It is a time to collect your thoughts and to become aware of yourself and inner feelings. Cooperate more with those around you and try to become one of a team working together towards a common goal. Learn to be more tactful and to think before you speak; it could save a great deal of unpleasantness and embarrassment at a later date. Remember too that if you want to keep a secret you must never tell anyone no matter how sympathetic or trustworthy their outward appearance may be.

LEO. Business opportunities and travel are well aspected under this period. Stimulating developments should take place in your career which could result in several short trips, probably abroad. These should prove to be a great success provided that you get your facts straight and always play by the rules. If not – watch out! Some form of partnership also seems likely and this could mean a new romantic attachment for you.

VIRGO. Your best advice is to keep a low profile. Keep your head well down and do nothing. If however you decide to ignore this warning, you should be prepared for disappointment, failure, interference and ruined plans. All in all, this will be a restless and unsettled period of your life when it will be difficult to know what to do for the best.

LIBRA. You could be faced with a delicate decision which will involve a moral issue – unfortunately your standards may be higher than the accepted norm and this is where your difficulty will lie – should you be true to yourself and miss a golden opportunity or should you turn a blind eye and accept the offer? Only you can decide so don’t rush to give your answer.

SCORPIO. It is now the time to harvest the fruits of your labors. All your hard work will finally pay dividends and you should be well rewarded for your efforts. Once you have finished celebrating your success you should endeavor to relax, because this is what your body needs after all the pressure it has been under lately. Try to get away for a while if at all possible.

SAGITTARIUS. This could prove to be a particularly uncertain period of your life when you would be well advised to keep your wits about you. Friends could show themselves in their true colors during this period – their treachery and deception will be a great disappointment to you. A member of the opposite sex could also cause you some uneasiness. Provided that you keep your eyes and ears open you should emerge from this temporary period relatively unscathed.

CAPRICORN. Love and changes for the better are both indicated during this phase. This should prove to be a particularly busy social period when there is much to be done and not nearly enough time to do it. Your family will probably choose to be especially supportive during this period if you’re not too stubborn to accept their help. Change is in the air and this could be of environment, occupation or both. A new and meaningful relationship is also almost certain to flourish.

AQUARIUS. Increase is the keyword for this period. Now is the time to double your money and really make a financial killing provided that you pay attention to detail and don’t allow over-enthusiasm to get the better of your good sense – and money. Material gain through skillful manipulation of your resources is definitely on the cards at this time.

PISCES. This period indicates that it is time for a major reassessment and the formulation of new plans, probably brought about by a general feeling of dissatisfaction with life. Remember to learn from past experiences – don’t go making the same mistakes al over again. Also, try not to be in too much of a hurry to put your new ideas into action because there are many alternatives to be explored and your first choice may not necessarily be the best.
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