Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Born on Monday, 11 February 1985 in Georgia, U.S.A.

You have a sharp intellect and are alert, truthful and objective. You are more interested in future developments than you are in the past. You have the mind of a rebel, though, and you can become defiant if anyone tries to control you. You have fixed opinions and only the most convincing argument with substantial evidence can induce you to change your views. You are on friendly terms with everyone, but you can sever relations with anyone who violates your trust, which you consider unforgivable.

You are extremely well read and know something, at least, about everything. You also realize that knowledge for its own sake is wasteful unless it is used to improve the general well-being of society at large. You are not afraid to asset yourself when you know you are right and are willing to admit it when you are wrong.

You function best in the company of large groups of people where you easily relate to them at their level of response. Your tolerance enables you to associate with all kinds of people while still maintaining your own integrity and identity. You are fascinated with variety in human experience and you rarely condemn anyone, no matter what his or her status may be. People are usually receptive to you because you don’t establish any rules to which they must adhere. You let everyone do their thing, whatever that might be.

You dislike being cast in a mold with everyone else. The organized structure of society with its “establishment” limits the individual’s growth. You insist that no one’s freedom should be in the control of another.

You tend to permissiveness in your personal and emotional relationships, and it is difficult for anyone to get really close to you, because you prefer to remain aloof.

Ascendant in Aquarius. When Aquarius is the sign rising at the time of birth, the craving for independence is even more acute than for Sun-sign Aquarius, and the individual may have a distant air that makes it difficult to know him. The best quality of these Aquarians is their desire, even need, to help others. Properly employed, this characteristic can make it somewhat easier for them to open up and allow others to support them. Stubbornness and personal rigidity can be a considerable problem.

Midheaven in Libra. When the sign of Libra is on the Midheaven in southern latitudes, Aquarius will be rising. In general, these individuals will identify with a peaceful existence, even if this is not part of their daily reality. The combination of Libra and Aquarius causes the subject to aspire to individuality, but without the motivation to do anything about it.

Sun in Aquarius. Original, inventive, honest, and loyal, the typical Aquarian may also seem contrary and perverse, and will certainly be unpredictable. Aquarians need their independence and privacy. It is possible to be their lifelong friend, yet feel that they have only ever revealed the surface of their personality. Basic Personality. Aquarians are likeable and open, and are always ready to be supportive to their friends. Highly conscious of the needs of others, they will help whenever they can. They need to express their originality in order to feel fulfilled. Relationships. Aquarius often find difficult to sustain a close emotional relationship, because this means adjusting their lifestyle to accommodate the habits of another. When they make a commitment, they are extremely loyal, but they are likely to prevaricate before making any pledge. Aquarian parents often find it difficult to understand a child who is more conventional than themselves, while an Aquarian child’s individuality is something construed as waywardness. Career. Aquarians enjoy work in humanitarian professions and in communications, such as the technical areas of television and radio. Their natural sense of drama often finds expression in theatre work, the fashion industry, and in careers that call for flair and originality. Leisure. Aquarians possess originality and creativity, and should try to express these qualities in their leisure activities. Regular, creative exercise, such as dancing, is most beneficial for them. However, the ankles are ruled by this sign and can be vulnerable, so care should be taken to protect them, especially if skiing or winter sports are engaged. Like all air-sign people, Aquarians thrive best on a light, nourishing diet.

Moon in Scorpio. The emotions of people with this placing of the Moon are particularly strong and easily tapped. Emotion is forceful in anyone who has a strong emphasis on Scorpio in their birth chart (perhaps as Sun sign or Ascendant); in this case it is even more potent, and will surface immediately when the individual feels challenged. Almost any situation can give rise to an emotional outburst, and stubbornness and willful behavior are common in these people. They are likely to take a very strong line with anyone who dares to oppose them and there will also be an inclination towards jealousy. They have the potential to brood over any slight, and can bear a grudge over a long period. They may even plan revenge and wait patiently for the opportune moment. Awareness of these traits may enable these individuals to curb them, but their desires are so strongly linked to their emotions that they often have difficulty in being objective. It is important to express positively the considerable emotion channeled by this placing of the Moon; negative expression of such powerful feeling can endanger the psychological balance. Physical energy and the strong determination to succeed are also boosted, and, if motivation is directed in a positive way, almost any aspiration or goal can be achieved.

Mercury in Aquarius. Originality can be accompanied by inflexibility and perversity. Nervous tension may cause problems, and relaxation may prove difficult. The subject can be stubborn and perverse when under stress. The mind is extremely quick, and there will be an intellectual approach to problems, which will be precisely assessed. Aquarian humanitarianism will be highlighted in this sign. Great originality, a daunting stubbornness, and considerable perversity and unpredictability are all likely—but also objectivity, friendliness, and the desire to be helpful. Flexibility of judgment should be developed.

Venus in Aries. Venus in Aries indicates someone who can be rather aggressive in his or her emotional expression. Usually the pursuer rather than the pursued, these people are enthusiastic, but selfish lovers. Their attitude towards money is enterprising and risks may be taken. Emotional attachments will be strong, but there will be hesitation when it comes to committing to a permanent relationship. There will be a taste for unusual possessions.

Mars in Aries. Mars rules Aries, and when it is in that sign in a birth chart, it works very powerfully, and is a focal point of the horoscope. It heightens the level of physical energy, and if this is not expressed through some kind of exercise, such as sport, the individual will feel restless and unfulfilled. People with this influence in their chart will be confident and assertive; wanting (and needing) to win. They take a strong line if there is a hint of hesitation in anyone they live or work with, forcing the other person into action without taking account of his or her feelings. They have a powerful sex drive, which they express in an uninhibited fashion. In general, this is an invigorating influence, and individuals with this element in their horoscope should have a number of interests into which their energy can be poured. Outbursts of Martian temper should be avoided if possible. If Mars aspects Saturn, Uranus, or Pluto, the flow of energy may be inhibited.

Jupiter in Aquarius. People with this placing of Jupiter will have powerful humanitarian emotions, and will put them to practical use in helping both friends and strangers. They need to help, and have the imagination and originality to do it in a rewarding and unpatronizing way. As individuals, they are tolerant and impartial, fully sympathetic to the hardships and predicaments of others—but again, strongly practical and unsentimental. The humor of Jupiter will warm their Aquarian coolness, and it will not be difficult to become friendly with them. Their preoccupation with helping others will not deprive them of the energetic social life they so much enjoy: they will have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances who will be roped in to help with their philanthropic work. They have an exceptionally strong sense of justice, and if unfairness or prejudice arises in any situation, they are always prepared to stand up and fight it. Their sense of humor may strike others as eccentric, and sometimes distinctly unfunny, and if Jupiter is afflicted there is likely to be a total absence of tact, and sometimes stubborn intolerance—although this is usually directed at entirely proper targets. Intuition will be keen and dependable, and scientific ability, or literary or musical talent may be present.

Saturn in Scorpio. Even when the horoscope as a whole is positive, extroverted, and lively, Saturn will shed a somewhat baleful light from Scorpio. The subject will have a dark, brooding intensity, although his or her rather dour personality is usually lightened by an off-beat sense of humor. People with this position of Saturn will be purposeful and determined, with a great deal of emotional energy directed at achieving their objectives. They will also have an exceptionally shrewd business sense, and usually do very well indeed in big business or on the international money market. Hard work and a strong emotional commitment to the objective goes without saying, but Scorpio can often over-rule Saturnian caution, and then there will be a strong tendency to over-spend. People with a powerful Scorpio influence, know how to enjoy themselves, and are willing to spend money on good food and wine. The position of Jupiter and Venus in a horoscope will show how strong the sybaritic tendency is likely to be. On the negative side, obsessive tendencies are all too likely, with perseverance becoming fixation and stubbornness. There can also be a somewhat cruel streak, emerging when the subject is striving for a goal and finds others standing in the way. Ruthlessness can then surface. This position of Saturn can complicate the sex life by inhibiting a full expression of desire, and making the subject feel restless and unfulfilled. In a partnership, the inner voice sometimes instigates jealous, and if this is not combated it can have a negative effect, not only on a partnership but on the subject’s own equilibrium—and sometimes on the physical well-being.

Uranus in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a lively, dynamic placing for this sometimes rather equivocal planet—one that gives a very original slant to the intellect and opens up the mind. There will be a strong Sagittarian need for challenge that is complemented by an attraction to all new and original things. These individuals are often attracted towards the most up-to-date developments in technology. It will not be surprising to find Uranus in Sagittarius in the horoscopes of those particularly concerned with ecology and the problems of the environment. Working in this field will enable these individuals to express their originality and mental vigor. Both intellectually and physically adventurous, they will be quick to use their talents in the most positive way, possibly employing science to prevent future ecological disasters. Their approach to the problems of the Earth will be very different from those with Uranus in Scorpio: they are unlikely to possess the latter’s tendency towards negative thinking, and provided they are encouraged as children to recognize the beauty of the Earth, they will grow up with a deeply protective attitude towards it. These traits should be strongly pronounced and highly powerful if Sagittarius is prominent or if Uranus is personalized in the birth chart.

Neptune in Capricorn. Capricorn is an earth sign, and the vital issue of the Earth’s resources and their conservation is likely to be of the highest priority in the minds of this generation. Individuals who have Capricorn prominent in their horoscope will find the more strident and severe qualities of Neptune somewhat softened and moderated, while at the same time their rather low emotional level will be increased. They will tend to be cautious but determined, and should be able to control the negative elements of the Neptunian influence, making them less vulnerable to escapism, whether through drugs or self-deception. They are generally very interested in ecology and the problems of the planet. There should be a flair for the creative use of natural materials.

Pluto in Scorpio. Pluto is at home in this sign and works energetically from here, so one might expect strong symbols of change to emerge from this placing. Lessons are always learned the hard way through Pluto, and this has been a time in which the world has been forced to take stock of food and fuel. Also during this period, the financial implications of Pluto in its own sign have made themselves felt. The desire to make more money and the increasing expansion of world markets are inspired by this planet. This is a time when people born with Neptune in Scorpio in their charts (1956 to 1970-71), are making their presence felt as they climb to important positions of power and influence—in politics and financial institutions, as well as less obvious fields such as fashion and music. Pluto’s entry into Scorpio has had a powerful effect on the people of this generation, and this is reflected in the preponderance of the Scorpionic color black in the fashions of the 1980s and the emergence of heavy rock music during this time. On a personal level, Pluto can bring great intensity and a sense of purpose to individuals from Scorpio, but if the planet receives negative aspects from the Sun, Moon, or ruling planet, it can precipitate psychological problems that must be resolved if the individual is to develop his or her potential. These energies will be stronger and more useful if the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is also in Scorpio, but they will need to be carefully channeled if they are not to be wasted. If Pluto is conjunct the Midheaven or in the tenth house in a birth chart, this person will most likely have a considerable desire for power.


First House. Jupiter. People with Jupiter will live their lives to the full, brimming over the optimistic enthusiasm. They possess an enviable breadth of vision, and even if a meticulous sign, such as Virgo, is rising, the individual can concentrate on the broad outline of a situation, rather than focusing on details. Although open and honest, these people may be a little boisterous and have a tendency to exaggerate if Jupiter is afflicted by the Sun, Moon, or Mars. If this more excitable side of Jupiter is dominant, they must be encouraged to cultivate a more philosophical outlook in life. Mercury. These people are talkative and versatile, but must learn to avoid superficiality and hypochondria. The aspects Mercury receives must be considered, for they will color the attitude to life. Mercury’s sign placing is also important. If there are negative aspects from the Moon, Mars, or Uranus, nervous tension could cause stomach upsets or migraines. The nearer Mercury is to the Ascendant, the more powerful its influence—to the point where it can affect the whole birth chart. Sun. When the Sun is found in the first house, the subject will have been born very near sunrise, so the Sun and rising sign are likely to be the same, and the subject will be a “double Geminian” or a “double Cancerian”. The horoscope will be dominated by the authority of the Sun, and the influence of the planet ruling the Sun and Ascending sign will also be important. Determined and energetic, these people have great personality and qualities of leadership. However, they tend to put themselves first, which can lead to self-absorption and selfishness.

Third House. Venus. Close and harmonious family relationships are very important to these sympathetic and understanding individuals. The perfect students, they relish an intellectual challenge and demand constant mental stimulation. A glossy encyclopedia will make the perfect gift. These individuals are friendly and outgoing, and are guaranteed to be at the center of a large social circle. They are at their happiest entertaining their many friends in a lively and animated atmosphere. Mars. Individual with Mars in the third house have a contentious turn of min, and enjoy lively debate. They are naturally inquisitive, and eager to find a solution to every problem. Dynamic and energetic, these people thrive on excitement, but should not become too reckless. They will fight hard for their beliefs, and their energy and commitment will prove inspirational to others.

Tenth House. Moon. This placing signals a longing for fame and celebrity. Often the subjects come from a family of high achievers, and will work hard to live up to expectations. These individuals make natural leaders with an ability to inspire love and respect in large groups of people. They are understanding and sympathetic, with a longing to put the world to rights. An ideal position for those interested in politic. Saturn. This position is a very strong one since the tenth house corresponds to Capricorn, the sign ruled by Saturn. These individuals are motivated and ambitious. Material success is their aim, and if Saturn is well aspected, their hard work, honesty, and high moral standards will guarantee them great success and acclaim. However, if the planet is badly aspected, the reverse is true. These individuals can appear reserved, and even unfriendly, but this is only due to their innate fear of failure and rejection. Pluto. Those with Pluto in the tenth house tend to be passionately involved in their careers. They work hard and are likely to enjoy great success. However, self-centered personal ambitions may encourage these people to trample on others in their eagerness to reach the top, and they must beware of becoming too ruthless and manipulative. These individuals must also recognize that their unceasing pursuit of success may cause them to neglect their family and friends, thus endangering their close relationships.

Eleventh House. Uranus. This is the Aquarius house, and the influence of Uranus is greatly increased here. Although always friendly and charming, these people need emotional privacy. This makes it difficult for them to form long-term romantic partnerships since they tend to fear that intimacy may threaten her solitude. However, they will enjoy a lively social life and possess a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. Esoteric hobbies and pastimes appeal to these individuals.

Twelfth House. Neptune. This is the Pisces/Neptune house, and the planet’s influence is strong from here. Although Neptune works well from this position, it can also bring reclusive tendencies to the personality. These individuals have an intensely private and solitary side to their characters, and they will occasionally need to retreat from the stresses and strains of everyday life. They tend to shun the limelight and to work best in isolation, particularly if they are involved in creative work. They like to let their work speak for them, and are not comfortable with self-publicity. These individuals are ideally suited to a career in one of the caring professions, for they are intensely sympathetic to those in need.

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