Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Born on Wednesday, 19 June 1861 at 4:00 p.m. in Calamba, Laguna

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Ascendant in Pisces. People born while Pisces is rising can fit into any environment, but they tend to become so much part of heir surroundings that others take them for granted. However, their work behind the scenes will be unremitting and valuable. Self-knowledge is difficult for them, and they may even invent a persona and shape themselves to it, rather than seek out their own true personality. They tend to be hypochondriacs, and be critical of their partners.

Midheaven in Sagittarius. This Midheaven sign brings a desire for mental stimulation and a love of philosophy. Pisces rising can bring too much versatility, and in spite of high aspirations, there need to be signs of determination elsewhere in the birth chart.

Sun in Gemini. Versatile and communicative, Geminians can also be superficial and inconsistent. They tend to be witty and lively, and remain youthful in old age. Geminians rarely do one thing at a time—they will read two books at once, write letters while watching television, or hold down two jobs. Basic Personality. Geminians have a talent for communication, and journalism is an ideal occupation for them. They tend to have very quick intellects fired by curiosity and rational minds. Their strong sense of logic enables them to grasp the elements of a situation or subject quickly. Relationships. A dull partner, however attractive, will not be tolerated long by a Geminian. Shared interests are important but not necessarily shared views, because discussion and argument are the spice of life to a Gemini. Geminians make lively parents, but can be too fault-finding, forgetting that their child may not be so quick-minded as themselves. The Gemini child is intelligent, but is easily bored and should be encouraged to finish all tasks that are started. Career. Work in all branches of the media is ideal for communicative and versatile Geminians. They are often natural salespeople, and prove to be shrewd in business. However, they dislike solitary work and may be unhappy if they are promoted to lonely positions of power. Leisure. Geminians do not know what leisure is, they fill every moment with activity and are always seeking out ways to amuse themselves. They should burn of their nervous energy with sports such as squash, tennis, or jogging.

Moon in Gemini. Versatility is likely to be shown by people with their Moon in Gemini. They tend to read more than one book at a time, and never perform one task without trying at the same time to cope with another. This tendency may arise in relationships, and an emotional involvement with more than one person at a time is common; it will not, however, necessarily become a physical involvement. The first reaction of these people is likely to be a verbal one—often so rapidly expressed that it is incoherent. They are logical and rational, and there may be a conflict in their personality if other areas of the horoscope encourage them to be emotional and intuitive. People with a Gemini Moon need to understand these conflicting elements and to learn that the contrasting traits can complement each other. Logic can be tempered by intuition, and vice versa. Impatience and restlessness may be felt and there will be a great deal of nervous energy that will need positive expression. Nervous strain can sometimes lead to tension and digestive problems. Asthma could perhaps be inherent, which may be another result of undue tension. Positive aspects between the Moon and other personal planets will help stabilize the personality.

Mercury in Cancer. People who have Mercury in Cancer tend to look back rather than forward—an inbuilt sense of nostalgia combines with a mistrust of the future. When their emotional response clashes with their logical thinking they find it very difficult to assess situations. These Geminians are very intuitive and tend to act instinctively. They are likely to be more sympathetic than critical, and more sensitive than intolerant. Their tendency to be changeable will need to be fought.

Venus in Cancer. Venus in Cancer makes people fearful of change and although they enjoy emotional involvement it can create a claustrophobic atmosphere. Subjects are careful with money. Cool Geminian emotions will be heightened by this combination. Financial security can be attained by a talent for collecting artifacts.

Mars in Cancer. This position of Mars powerfully influences the love life and sex life, and lovers with Mars in Cancer will be sensual and caring, instinctively knowing how to please a partner. However, there is the possibility that they will work too hard at the relationship and create a cloying atmosphere. Any project they decide to undertake that needs physical or emotional energy will be seen through the completion, though there may be physical stress and tension if Mars receives negative aspects from the Sun, Moon, or Uranus. These people can have short tempers, and in moments of anger may express themselves harshly, even cruelly. Cancer enhances the memory, therefore it will not be easy for them to forgive and forget any offence, and there may be lingering resentment which they find difficult to erase from their mid. Irrational fretting will only exacerbate their problems, and they should try to talk them through with other people.

Jupiter in Leo. Jupiter stands center stage when it is in Leo, and so will people with this placing of the planet: they will possess great dramatic flair, and any accusation of showiness will probably be well founded. They often have a right to be proud, for they have qualities that deserve to be recognized, such as intelligence, ambition, and acting ability. However, the danger of overdoing things is very considerable indeed. These are people whose passion for life, and for making the fullest possible use of every moment, is in itself excellent, but can be extremely wearing. They should curb their inflated egos and avoid self-satisfaction and bombast, allowing their natural enthusiasm to inspire others rather than trying to dragoon them into enthusiasm or action. They should be careful not to become figures of fun in their enjoyment of sometimes unusual or over-showy clothing. Pomposity can be one of their less attractive traits, and they are advised to take note of anyone who suggests that they are beginning to err in that respect. All this will be exacerbated if the Sun makes a negative aspect to Jupiter. Despite these potential problems, this can be a valuable placing of Jupiter, especially for those involved in challenging intellectual projects in which they will excel. Any natural creative flair will also be enhanced.

Saturn in Virgo. When Saturn is in Virgo, it attempts to impose a very strict adherence to routine and encourages caution, prudence, patience, and modesty. Together with a strong sense of duty, these qualities will help individuals to work methodically and often successfully in any occupation. Their own rigid attitude to work can make them expect too much of less meticulous people, and when subjects with Saturn in Virgo are given authority over others, the regime they impose can be rather too austere and demanding, often alienating colleagues. Adherence to discipline, a powerful critical sense, and the aim to perform every task perfectly are admirable qualities, but need to be accompanied with sensitivity and thoughtfulness when brought to bear on others. Too often these people sound sarcastic and carping, but this also applies to their inner voice too. Seeing themselves as failing to achieve perfection, they can become self-critical and lose confidence in their own abilities—this can affect their dealings with those around them, but more importantly, they become introverted and shy. Learning to use Saturn in Virgo as a strong anchor, the practical caution it offers will be of the greatest help. It is well worth watching out for signs of obsession, which can build up under stress.

Uranus in Gemini. Uranus works well from Gemini, where it encourages dynamism, liveliness, and originality. Those with Uranus in this sign are capable of making innovative contributions to a discussion or line of action. However, they should be encouraged to pause for a second before leaping with their suggestions, for they tend not to think things through. If the birth chart suggests an individual with an intellectual bent, for instance, if Mercury and Jupiter are well placed by sign and aspect, then Uranus in Gemini should be especially beneficial, sharpening the attitude and response, especially in argument and debate. Individuals, who work in the media, or follow an academic or political career, are likely to benefit. The technical side of the communications industry may also appeal to these subjects. The restless and nervous Gemini influence combined with the tension of Uranus can cause problems with stress.


First House. Neptune. Neptune from the first house tends to weaken the characteristics of the Ascendant. The planet brings a dreamy, impractical, and idealistic influence. These people shrink from the harsh realities of life and often seek refuge in a fantasy world. If Neptune is afflicted, they may even turn to drink and drugs as a form of escapism. This placing often brings an abundance of creative talent.

Second House. Pluto. A passionate sensuality is typical of the second house, and people with this placing are skilled lovers. They are also shrewd business people of financial acumen. A successful career is likely, although these individuals must be on their guard against becoming too greedy or materialistic. Possessiveness may be a problem, and these people will have to overcome a tendency to regard their partner as someone their own.

Third House. Sun. Knowledge is of great importance to these individuals, and intellectual accomplishments will bring a great sense of fulfillment. The third house is the house of Gemini and Mercury; therefore these people tend to be skilled communicators. Uranus. Although they are likely to have original and inventive minds combined with a fertile imagination, these people tend to make erratic progress both at school and work, for they find all forms of discipline different to tolerate. If Uranus is positively aspected, they will be cool-headed and logical.

Fourth House. Venus. These individuals tend to identify with and emulate their mothers. As a result, there may be problems when they leave home for the first time. These people will work hard to create a home that is a haven of calm and comfort.

Fifth House. Mars. Mars in the fifth house underlines sexual pleasure and an active and happy love life. These people make passionate lovers, and demand an equally enthusiastic response from their partners. Bold and adventurous, they enjoy flirting with danger and often possess a strong gambling instinct. Mercury. These people will be attracted by leisure pursuits that challenge the intellect—chess, for instance—provided that Mercury is in a sign that bestows patience.

Sixth House. Jupiter. Jupiter in the sixth house concerns itself with physical health. A slow metabolism may be combined with a love of good food, and the subjects put on weight easily. Discipline is needed, and a steady exercise regime will benefit the subject. These people love helping others, and show great generosity with both their time and money. They are conscientious and committed workers.

Seventh House. Saturn. . This is the house of partnership, and a responsible and mature attitude to relationships is typical of these people. When it comes to long-term commitment, the subjects can be swayed by mercenary considerations, choosing a partner for their wealth and status rather than on the basis of mutual attraction. These people are generally loving and loyal in their romantic relationships.

Eighth House. Moon. Emotion, instinct, and intuition will all be heightened by this placing. Consequently, these individuals are sometimes sensitive to psychic forces. The subjects tend to possess an abundance of sexual energy, which must be positively expressed. Complete trust in loved ones is essential, since any feelings of suspicion and jealousy will mar the love life.

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