You are versatile, restless and extremely curious. Although you are knowledgeable in many subjects, you lack sufficient follow-through to derive full benefit from your potentials. Your curiosity leads you into many areas of interest but you are easily distracted when something new attracts your attention. There are times when you think you don’t really need to apply yourself to your goals. Your enthusiasm, while commendable, will never gain the results you want from your creative abilities unless you are willing to work and apply them to the real world. You are not afraid of competition, but you would prefer to “wheel and deal” to attract attention from important people than to work your way up through the ranks. You are a supreme optimist and believing in yourself will carry you far.
Education, law, foreign service, politics and large-scale enterprises are especially suited to your temperament and creative talents. Your work should give you the freedom to function at your own pace. Your judgment is quick and decisive when opportunity knocks and you want the feeling of mobility should a sudden change in tactics seem necessary if you are to take advantage of it.
You relate well to everyone. You have a breezy manner with a fresh outlook at all times that is infectious with those around you. No matter how dismal a situation may be, you don’t believe things won’t turn out right in the end.
Your mate must share your enthusiasm and zest for living, and living it up as well. She must be willing to live in the mainstream of life where the action is constant and the excitement never diminishes. You want a mate who will stand shoulder to shoulder with you in search for the dreams you share.