Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Born on Friday, 21 September 1984 at 10:00AM in Florida

You are mentally versatile, constantly seeking ways to apply your talents to get the best results. Your creative ability is usually directed to activities from which you can derive the most benefit. Never content to let your achievements remain static, you try to improve on them. Your view is that if anything can be done well, it can very likely be done better. No one can accomplish more with the least to work with than you can. You are efficient in capitalizing on your resources and talents.

Basically honest, it bothers you deeply when those you must deal with are not. It is the slick operator who disturbs you the most, because he or she may not be as capable as you but succeeds by using questionable tactics. You adhere to the principle that if you don’t know the answer to a question you will admit it. Later, however, you will inform yourself. You have to be on guard at all times for people who will try to deceive you. It isn’t likely they’ll succeed because you are so alert that you can tell if things don’t add up as they should. Anyone violating your trust will have a most difficult time trying to regain it from you.

Your interests are so broad and varied that your success can be realized in many ways. You know how to do many things and do them well. You know how to develop your talents so they earn you a comfortable living. You are impatient with people who dawdle their time away in nonproductive interests.

You seek a mate who will be a complement to your resourcefulness. That person must be willing to share the burden for realizing your mutual goals and objectives. He or she must share your desire to work together and play together, and share in the bounty of your combined efforts.

Ascendant in Scorpio. Scorpio Sun-sign characteristics are more powerfully expressed when it is the rising sign. The tendency for these people to be secretive can become obsessive. Sometimes preoccupied with their faults, those who have Scorpio rising should give themselves credit for their virtues. Emotional security is important to them.

Midheaven in Leo. When Leo is on the Midheaven in the northern hemisphere, Libra, Scorpio or Sagittarius will be in the Ascendant. In the southern hemisphere, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Capricorn will be rising. Leo Midheaven bestows a need to achieve and display the signs of success. When Scorpio rises, the determination and powerful energy of that sign, combined with Leo aspiration, offers these individuals everything that is necessary to make them extremely high achievers. However, care is needed if this powerful potential is to be fulfilled.

Sun in Virgo. Reliable, diligent, and modest, Virgoans have considerable nervous energy. This can be a splendid attribute if positively used, but it can also turn to fussiness and over-fastidiousness if unchecked. Virgoans tend to have innate good sense, and their advice can be trusted. Basic Personality. Talkative, lively, and precise in conversation, Virgoans enjoy expressing themselves economically and clearly. Most of them are practical, but if they are not, they can be overwhelmed by fine detail and tend to over-analyze a situation. Relationships. Virgoans can be self-critical and become convinced they are not good enough for their partner. This arises from a natural modesty that is otherwise attractive. Alternatively, they can be too critical of others—a trait that should be curbed. They work hard to provide for the family, but should be careful not to neglect their partner and offspring. Virgoan children may be naturally shy, and self-confidence should be encouraged by their parents. Career. Virgoans make first-rate personal assistants, and their critical sense can be a great help to colleagues less devoted to fine detail. They also make excellent teachers and doctors. Leisure. Fresh air is essential for Virgoans to enjoy good health. Holistic remedies often suit them, and if they find life is becoming frenetic, relaxation techniques such as yoga help to restore their equilibrium.

Moon in Leo. This position is often found in the birth charts of high achievers, especially if the Moon is near the Midheaven, or placed in the tenth house. People with their Moon in Leo can appear overbearing and dogmatic: their immediate instinct in almost any situation is to take over. They are self-centered, and this can lead to arrogance and stubbornness. On the other hand, they usually have the best of motives, and can be a source of inspiration to others. They will find every possible outlet for their potential (which will be indicated by the characteristics of the Sun sign) and will achieve their personal aspirations. They rarely do this, however, without going a little too far in the eyes of partners, friends, or colleagues. There is an unconscious need for admiration and attention from others, and if shyness or inhibition is indicated elsewhere in the horoscope, the conflict will result in a tendency to show off and appear over-confident. They cope well in emergencies, for the qualities of leadership inherent in Leo will always be present. This is a placing that needs a steadying influence from other planets in the birth chart. Children with the Moon in this sign can be excessively exuberant, and they should be encouraged to control this trait before it develops into bombasts.

Mercury in Virgo. This is one of the two signs ruled by Mercury, from which its influence is very firm indeed. Great analytical ability is conferred on an individual by this placing, as well as innate practicality and common sense. There is a tendency to follow the path expected of oneself rather than to think out an individual course. There may also be too much concern with detail, which can obscure the overall view of a situation. This will be a strongly Virgoan person with an excellent mind, capable of detailed, analytical work, but who must guard against worry and the tendency to be over-finicky. Self-criticism will sap confidence and encouraged shyness, while nervous haste can occasionally lead to carelessness. Relaxation techniques may be useful to help curb tension.

Venus in Virgo. This is one of the two signs ruled by Mercury, from which its influence is very firm indeed. Great analytical ability is conferred on an individual by this placing, as well as innate practicality and common sense. There is a tendency to follow the path expected of oneself rather than to think out an individual course. There may also be too much concern with detail, which can obscure the overall view of a situation. This will be a strongly Virgoan person with an excellent mind, capable of detailed, analytical work, but who must guard against worry and the tendency to be over-finicky. Self-criticism will sap confidence and encouraged shyness, while nervous haste can occasionally lead to carelessness. Relaxation techniques may be useful to help curb tension.

Mars in Sagittarius. Restlessness is one form or another, is the characteristic most clearly marked in an individual with Mars in Sagittarius in their birth chart. This can be exacerbated if they do not cultivate some form of sport or exercise that will help to diminish the very high level of physical energy that this placing of Mars confers. If this energy is not positively employed, restlessness is likely to ensue. They should find a way of balancing their physical and mental energy, using each equally. They should ideally seek a career that is intellectually or physically demanding. They devour challenges with enthusiasm and appetite, and, faced with what others find an intractable problem, will set out their solution with enviable zeal—a solution that will probably be unconventional, ingenious, and surprising, stemming from their considerable breadth of vision. There is a risk that in the middle of bringing their plans to fruition, restlessness will take a hand. After all their dedication and enthusiasm have been focused on one thing, they will suddenly become bored and start another project. This is because they have a tendency to believe that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. They should be aware of this element within their personalities, and endeavor to keep their energies focused on one thing at a time and to complete all tasks that they undertake. These people enjoy physical risks, and will partake in sports such as rock-climbing and skiing. They are often enthusiastic gamblers.

Jupiter in Capricorn. Here are rather remarkable people, the product of the combination (at best, a successful blending) of very different characteristics: the positive, extroverted qualities of Jupiter, and the negative, introverted qualities of Capricorn. Individuals born with this combination of planet and sign will be ambitious and determined, welcoming responsibilities, able and willing to work extremely hard and persistently, an having admirable powers of concentration. Their outlook on life will be very sensible and intelligent, and they will accept challenges realistically. The influence of Capricorn prevents the blind optimism of Jupiter, and common sense and caution will always inform their every move. The generosity and flamboyance of Jupiter are not often seen when it is in this sign, and the subject may occasionally have a pessimistic or bleak view of life, but their quirky sense of humor is never far away. These people are usually kind-hearted and thoughtful, although they tend to believe that they are always right, occasionally to the point of pig-headedness. This will be a real problem only if Jupiter receives a square aspect from the Sun or Mon, in which case it is likely that the individual will be so stubborn that he or she will refuse to listen to the opinion of others. When Jupiter is in Capricorn, it is important also to consider the position of Saturn in the chart; if it is heavily aspected to the personal planets, Capricorn’s influence can overshadow that of Jupiter’s, and the subject will be sober and serious. As children, those with Jupiter in Capricorn work cautiously, plodding slowly and deliberately up through the ranks of their contemporaries, eventually reaching the head of the class. For these individuals, making steady, gradual progress is likely to be the pattern throughout life.

Saturn in Scorpio. Even when the horoscope as a whole is positive, extroverted, and lively, Saturn will shed a somewhat baleful light from Scorpio. The subject will have a dark, brooding intensity, although his or her rather dour personality is usually lightened by an off-beat sense of humor. People with this position of Saturn will be purposeful and determined, with a great deal of emotional energy directed at achieving their objectives. They will also have an exceptionally shrewd business sense, and usually do very well indeed in big business or on the international money market. Hard work and a strong emotional commitment to the objective goes without saying, but Scorpio can often over-rule Saturnian caution, and then there will be a strong tendency to over-spend. People with a powerful Scorpio influence know how to enjoy themselves, and are willing to spend money on good food and wine. The position of Jupiter and Venus in a horoscope will show how strong the sybaritic tendency is likely to be. On the negative side, obsessive tendencies are all too likely, with perseverance becoming fixation and stubbornness. There can also be a somewhat cruel streak, emerging when the subject is striving for a goal and finds others standing in the way. Ruthlessness can then surface. This position of Saturn can complicate the sex life by inhibiting a full expression of desire, and making the subject feel restless and unfulfilled. In a partnership, the inner voice sometimes instigates jealous, and if this is not combated it can have a negative effect, not only on a partnership but on the subject’s own equilibrium—and sometimes on the physical well-being.

Uranus in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a lively, dynamic placing for this sometimes rather equivocal planet—one that gives a very original slant to the intellect and opens up the mind. There will be a strong Sagittarian need for challenge that is complemented by an attraction to all new and original things. These individuals are often attracted towards the most up-to-date developments in technology. It will not be surprising to find Uranus in Sagittarius in the horoscopes of those particularly concerned with ecology and the problems of the environment. Working in this field will enable these individuals to express their originality and mental vigor. Both intellectually and physically adventurous, they will be quick to use their talents in the most positive way, possibly employing science to prevent future ecological disasters. Their approach to the problems of the Earth will be very different from those with Uranus in Scorpio: they are unlikely to possess the latter’s tendency towards negative thinking, and provided they are encouraged as children to recognize the beauty of the Earth, they will grow up with a deeply protective attitude towards it. These traits should be strongly pronounced and highly powerful if Sagittarius is prominent or if Uranus is personalized in the birth chart.

Neptune in Sagittarius. The powerful relationship between Neptune and Jupiter (Neptune now rules Pisces, and Pisces was originally ruled by Jupiter) is heightened by Neptune’s journey through the Jupiterian sign of Sagittarius. Neptune encourages a strong sense of social justice, and we can expect much that is idealistic, hopeful, and positive from this generation. Although these young people will have to be tough to cope with the demands of his life in the early 21st century, they have a sympathetic side to their personality, and a sense of optimism that should help them solve some of the problems of the future. They will have a strong identification with nature and with animals, and may reject potentially cruel farming methods. If Sagittarius is prominent in a subject’s birth chart, it may indicate one of the leaders of this generation.

Pluto in Scorpio. Pluto is at home in this sign and works energetically from here, so one might expect strong symbols of change to emerge from this placing. Lessons are always learned the hard way through Pluto, and this has been a time in which the world has been forced to take stock of food and fuel. Also during this period, the financial implications of Pluto in its own sign have made themselves felt. The desire to make more money and the increasing expansion of world markets are inspired by this planet. This is a time when people born with Neptune in Scorpio in their charts (1956 to 1970-71), are making their presence felt as they climb to important positions of power and influence—in politics and financial institutions, as well as less obvious fields such as fashion and music. Pluto’s entry into Scorpio has had a powerful effect on the people of this generation, and this is reflected in the preponderance of the Scorpionic color black in the fashions of the 1980s and the emergence of heavy rock music during this time. On a personal level, Pluto can bring great intensity and a sense of purpose to individuals from Scorpio, but if the planet receives negative aspects from the Sun, Moon, or ruling planet, it can precipitate psychological problems that must be resolved if the individual is to develop his or her potential. These energies will be stronger and more useful if the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is also in Scorpio, but they will need to be carefully channeled if they are not to be wasted. If Pluto is conjunct the Midheaven or in the tenth house in a birth chart, this person will most likely have a considerable desire for power.


First House. Pluto. Whichever sign Pluto occupies, from this house the planet’s influence will darken the personality. These people have n instinctive urge to explore every aspect of a situation or problem in depth. The tendency can be extremely useful in some jobs, but there is also a danger of becoming obsessive. Pluto in the first house heightens the emotions, and these individuals are likely to be extremely passionate and sensual. These people tend to be ambitious, and their emotional energy will also be channeled into their careers. Saturn. Saturn, from this house, can bring inhibition and shyness, and the closer Saturn is to the Ascendant, the stronger the effect will be. However, common sense and self-confidence will develop as the individual matures. Carefully study the effects of the sign in which Saturn is placed its characteristics will be influential. This placing tends to lower physical vitality, which may be exacerbated by a touch of hypochondria.

Second House. Uranus. This is the house of money and investments. When Uranus shines from this position, these people often display an unpredictable attitude towards money, and rash investments may lead to financial problems. However, if a practical earth sign is emphasized in the chart, considerable financial gains could be made. If Uranus is badly aspected by the Sun, Moon, or Venus, these subjects may be cool and distant, finding it difficult to show affection to their loved ones. Mars. The acquisition of wealth and possessions is emphasized here. The sign that Mars occupies indicates how money will be acquired: through careful investment, skilful dealings, or a long hard slog. These people are passionate and can be possessive. If Mars occupies Taurus, Cancer, or Scorpio, the subject may possess a fiery temper and will not be quick to forget an insult. Neptune. If Neptune is well aspected, these individuals will possess shrewd financial judgment and enjoy a large income. However, this placing also brings great generosity and extravagance, and a practical attitude to money should be encouraged. Happily, the planet’s effect in the field of love is extremely positive. These people usually possess an imaginative attitude to romance, and make wonderful lovers.

Third House. Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of the intellect, and the third (Geminian) house has strong connections with the mind. As a result, these individuals thrive on intellectual challenges and enjoy constant mental activity. They like to keep abreast of current thought, and are incisive social commentators. These people have excellent communication skills, and thrive on stimulating discussion and debate. Travel is important, unless Jupiter is in a fixed sign.

Tenth House. Moon. This placing signals a longing for fame and celebrity. Often the subjects come from a family of high achievers, and will work hard to live up to expectations. These individuals make natural leaders with an ability to inspire love and respect in large groups of people. They are understanding and sympathetic, with a longing to put the world to rights. An ideal position for those interested in politic.

Eleventh House. Mercury. Social intercourse will be of the greatest importance—these people simply must communicate, and will possess a very large circle of friends and acquaintances. Every spare moment is likely to be occupied by getting out and about. The subjects may find fulfillment in charity work, where their communicative skills will be useful. The Sun and Mercury live closely together, and Mercury in the eleventh house and the Sun in the twelfth may sometimes suggest a spell of peace and quiet, and the subject must remember to take this hint. Sun. These people have a strong sense of responsibility to the community, and possess deep-seated humanitarian instincts. They are intensely sociable and friendly, with a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. The ideal career would be charitable fund-raising which combines their two main interests—charity and socializing. The subjects have an independent streak and, despite their enjoyment of group activities, they can distance themselves from close relationships. To discover whether they may have problems in this area, look at the position of Venus and at the seventh house.

Twelfth House. Venus. When in love, these hopeless romantics tend to be extremely secretive. They will strive to conceal their deepest emotions from their friends, and may even find it difficult to articulate their feelings to their potential lovers. These individuals can suffer from a strong sense of isolation, which may result in comfort eating and drinking. Alternatively, solace may be sought in religion. The influence of Venus is particularly strong if the planet is conjunct with the Ascendant.

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