Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Superstition aside, there are still many of those who are very skeptic or wary of having their hands read because they would be afraid to hear and be influenced by the negative remarks that would be given by the hand reader. Generally, they would immediately jump to the conclusion that when they see that their life or any other lines are short or broken, it would utterly mean a premature, sudden or tragic end. From the many hands that I’ve already came across and read, however, they totally meant the opposite. Fortunately in most cases, a break would generally signify the end of an old and unfulfilling existence or situation into a new, positive and more meaningful lifestyle such as a radical change or improvement in one’s career, home, finance, health, love, marriage, motherhood, travel, and personal accomplishments. No matter what I see on somebody’s hands, never in my practice did I mention death, accident, separation or anything unpleasant that I consider would easily affect the psyche of the consultant traumatically or otherwise, whether he or she is sensitive or not. My personal priority as a guideline to follow when reading hands is to give each one a chance to live his or her life to the full by accentuating on its positive aspects. Honestly, I couldn’t change their destiny, but I could help them to follow the parallel path that would lead them to be happier and more optimistic in their life in the long run.

Inasmuch as I've never taken any formal schooling or training in astrology, I couldn't tell you in what level I'd be right now. On the other hand, I must confess to you that I don't have a highly logical mind to any seemingly complicated calculation as a result of a traumatic experience with my mathematics teacher when I was in the grade school that made me somewhat allergic to whatever is related to problem solving in numbers or figures. Fortunately, there are easy and ready-to-use programs on natal charts available on the market or online that I could resort to. Otherwise, I'd just easily go banana by taxing my cluttered brain manually on a chart and screwing up with my interpretations of the signs and planets in the end. With a somewhat limited knowledge and training of astrology, I don't interpret the charts on my own personally as I still have a long way to go before I could do so. In practice, I go by the book. Perhaps with the passing of time, I'd be able to acquire the expertise of it the same way as in hand reading.

For your information, I give less attention to the origin and pedigree of the authors whom I wish to consult as long as the content of their works would interest me that it should fully meet with my requirements. What matters more to me are the detailed illustrations and the descriptions contained therein with every minute particularities that would accompany them. Perhaps I must have had read so much on the basics from the beginning that I’ve slowed down or have reached a saturation point in acquiring new titles as I’m getting more and more confused on the technical terms used that could appear new or foreign to me than putting what I’ve already learned into practice. From my own past experience, I find the major hand lines as already predestined, whereas the minor as the evolution of all the future changes and improvements in the course of our growth. Before mastering the hand reading techniques, I resorted to astrology and numerology as an ice-breaker in order to carry out a conversation with new and interesting faces that I’d like to meet. Surprisingly, such a strategy would often work wonders and could spread like a bush fire especially when everybody would become interested on the subject matter out of curiosity.

I'm honored indeed by your comparing me to your grandmother. However, I’d like to tell you that I don’t consider myself as an empath because I had to learn the basic of hand reading from the outset before I could practice it with ease and acquire it instinctively later. I believe your grandmother mainly practiced it by her strong affinity with her consultants. When I was young, I did it first from a growing obsession and attraction to the exotic physique of the white race so that I could touch and hold their hands while I fantasize on how exciting it was to be too close to them, to feel the softness of their skin and to listen to the warmth and sound of their voice. Many years ago, I had a rather funny experience that could have nearly turned into a diplomatic incident with a blond Dutch woman who hailed me to read the hands of her grown-up daughters in a family beach on the Italian Riviera one summer day. One of them was topless and accompanied by her boyfriend. What a gorgeous couple! I was so confused where to put my undivided attention that I couldn’t get my words straight without stammering at the sight of her firm and bulging breasts that almost reached up to her navel. With a seemingly tropical heat at nearly 35 degrees Celsius, I was perspiring so profusely that I thought I’d just wanted to faint and fall as hard as a sack of potatoes right on top of her hadn’t her boyfriend offered me a bottle of cold water to appease my burning desire and bring me back to reason. In the end, I had a great and wonderful time with them by reading everybody’s hand.

Thanks for recommending me the photo websites. Are you the one who is beside the luxury sports car? Wow, I didn’t know how cute and sexy you are! Your suggestion for me to pursue my hand reading studies in India is worth considering. However, I have other plans for such a trip which would be for tourism and culture, with a special emphasis on spiritual enlightenment through yoga. Perhaps, I might stay in an ashram and spend some time with a guru or a holy man. Warmest regards.

I've seen your website.
Do you do handreading for free?
I read your invitation for a free online handreading. I found it when I was searching for a possible answer. I couldn't find any pages on this particulair line shape. Perhaps you can help me?

I am a bit familiar with handreading. My question is: on my righthand, between my faithline and my life line, I can see 2 pentagrams interlinking.

Now I am no superstitious Christian who immediately cut of his own hand, nor am I unknown to some of the basic principles of the occult. I have a curious mind and am wondering what it means. Now I must say my hands hold all sorts of interesting shapes (I believe ;) and as I look upon them from time to time I can also see things change.

I would appreciate it greatly if you could help me with an answer.

Best wishes,
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