Friday, April 14, 2006
ARIES. The way you handle your personal affairs during this period should be truly inspired. You know what you want from life so now it’s up to you to set about finding the right and most expeditious way to achieve these desires. However, remember to spare a thought for other people’s feeling if you want to avoid hearing a few home truths during this period.

TAURUS. Friendship is well aspected and it should be possible to find amicable solutions to old quarrels and arguments which can now be viewed in a different light. This should prove to be a particularly pleasant and harmonious phase of your life.

GEMINI. Now is the time to take a back seat and let the world pass you by for a while. Rest and relaxation are what you need and if you are sensible you should see that you get them. Nothing is that important that it can’t wait just a little longer before it is attended to—your health must come first. Visits to the doctor, possibly even a stay in hospital, can all be avoided if you apply the breaks now.

CANCER. After a long period of difficulties some headway can now be made because a major obstacle will no longer stand in your way. Travel and/or a move of home may be necessary before even further progress can be made. But this is a matter of careful consideration and not to be made on the spur of the moment.

LEO. This would be an appropriate time to swallow your pride. There are some facts in life that we all have to accept no matter how unpalatable, and this is what you must do now. Avoid being defiant and learn to bow to the inevitable. Once you have regained self-control you will see that there are other avenues open for you to explore.

VIRGO. Promise of happiness is a reward for something done in the past. During this period an old idea will be reborn making a much greater impact the second time around because of some slight modifications you will choose to make to the original concept. A happy period although there could be that feeling of déjà vu about it all.

LIBRA. Love will be very much on your mind during this period and there is also the possibility of personal gain through a liaison with a member of the opposite sex. This need not necessarily be the person with whom you are conducting a serious relationship—although it could quite well be.

SCORPIO. Happiness is highlighted during this period with family gatherings and get-togethers will most probably be weddings, christenings or anniversary parties. Your private life should be stress-free and settled at this time that you may even feel inclined to starting making new, rather ambitious plans for the future.

SAGITTARIUS. This is when you will need to muster all your fighting spirit if you wish to emerge victorious at the end of the battle. Justice will be done but you must put your case to its best advantage.

CAPRICORN. Your best advice is to keep a low profile. Keep your head well down and do nothing. If however you decide to ignore this warning, you should be prepared for disappointment, failure, interference and screwed-up plans.

AQUARIUS. You should prepare yourself for a general feeling of inconsistency and contradiction about almost anything with which you become involved. Great opportunities for future success could be offered to you during this time but you must proceed with caution if you don’t want to see them vanish before your eyes. Treat anything which appears suspicious with extreme care until this phase passes.

PISCES. This is a time for a major reassessment and the formulation of new plans, probably brought about by a general feeling of dissatisfaction with life. Remember to learn from past experiences—don’t go making the same mistakes all over again. Also, try not to be in too much of a hurry to put your new ideas into action because there are many alternatives to be explored and your first choice may not necessarily be the best.
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