Born on Saturday, 4 October 1980 at 8:00 AM in
Ascendant in Scorpio. Scorpio Sun-sign characteristics are more powerfully expressed when it is the rising sign. The tendency for these people to be secretive can become obsessive. Sometimes preoccupied with their faults, those who have Scorpio rising should give themselves credit for their virtues. Emotional security is important to them.
Midheaven in Leo. When Leo is on the Midheaven in the northern hemisphere, Libra, Scorpio or Sagittarius will be in the Ascendant. In the southern hemisphere, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Capricorn will be rising. Leo Midheaven bestows a need to achieve and display the signs of success. When Scorpio rises, the determination and powerful energy of that sign, combined with Leo aspiration, offers these individuals everything that is necessary to make them extremely high achievers. However, care is needed if this powerful potential is to be fulfilled.
Sun in Libra. Diplomatic, romantic, and idealistic, Librans need balance for a harmonious life. In order to attain this state of equilibrium, they will sometimes give way in situations where they should stand firm, or sit on the fence until someone else has resolved the problem, or it has simply resolved itself. Basic Personality. Procrastination comes naturally to Librans, because they have the ability to see every point of view, and dislike taking sides in an argument. Although they have considerable physical energy, they are sometimes accused of laziness. This is often because they are choosing to relax, and making time to listen to the problems of their friends and family. Relationships. Librans are great romantics, and they are vulnerable when in a partnership. The usual Libran indecision is swept aside, and when marrying in haste they may repent at leisure. Libran parents are very loving and caring, but sometimes spoil their children for the sake of peace and quiet. Libran children are easy to please, and tend to rely on a parent to make decisions. Career. Librans enjoy the high life, and need to earn good money. They thrive in positions that need diplomacy and tact, fashion, and the beauty and cosmetic industries suit them well. Leisure. Librans do not enjoy physical exertion, but they need to exercise to avoid becoming overweight. They should also control their love of rich food.
Rishwan has strong feelings that he constantly expresses. He loves life and enjoys close relationships with people. He doesn’t wait for others to make gestures of friendship, but eagerly seek to make them feel at ease in his company. He wants so much to be liked and loved that he dramatizes his feelings towards others so they will respond to him in a similar fashion. In fact, he functions best when he knows others care for him.
He can easily detach himself from people who are indifferent or uncaring. Only individuals with depth and substance gain his attention. He is conservative toward people until they demonstrate their worth to him. Once this is done, he will project his feelings with determination, in anticipation of establishing a permanent relationship.
He is proud, sometimes even vain, in seeking the spotlight. Love is very important to him. It rounds out his life with meaning and satisfaction. He tends to exercise a dominant force over those he cares for, and he is shattered when they reject him in defiance.
He appreciates fine things. Beautiful people, a comfortable home, good food and warm friends delight his tastes. Even good books, art and the theater give him much enjoyment. However, he may indulge beyond his resources and severely strain his finances. He lives for today and try not to look too carefully at tomorrow. He tries to avoid the unpleasant—it is so inconsistent with the brighter side of life he expects.
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