Sunday, December 31, 2006

ARIES. Friendship is well aspected and it should be possible to find amicable solutions to old quarrels and arguments which can now be viewed in a different light. This should prove to be a particularly pleasant and harmonious phase of your life.

TAURUS. Increase is the keyword for this temporary vibration. Now is the time to double your money and really make a financial killing provided that you pay attention to detail and don’t allow over-enthusiasm to get the better of your good sense – and money. Material gain through skillful manipulation of your resource is definitely on the cards at this time.

GEMINI. This vibration indicates expansion and the opportunity for personal advancement. Now is the time to think a little bigger than usual, to push yourself and your ideas, and to climb a few rungs higher up the ladder of success before this fortuitous period ends. You may need to work harder than normal but the rewards should prove adequate compensation for all the extra effort required.

CANCER. You could be faced with a difficult decision which will involve a moral issue – unfortunately your standards may be rather higher than the accepted norm and this is where your difficulty will like – should you be true to yourself and miss a golden opportunity or should you turn a blind eye and accept the offer? Only you can decide so don’t rush to give your answer.

LEO. You should experience a period of particularly good health. You will be feeling on top of the world when no task will seem too onerous. However, you should try to resist the temptation to push yourself to the limits as this could have serious consequences at a latter date. A wealthy marriage is also quite possible under this vibration for those of you prepared to put financial security before love.

VIRGO. This period promises love and romance which might even develop into a more lasting relationship in the fullness of time. Your dreams could come true. So under this vibration, some of your dearest wishes could quite possibly become realities. This could prove to be one of the happiest periods of your life so enjoy it while you may.

LIBRA. This is a particularly fortunate period which promises successful plans. However, help from superiors in the form of advice might be needed to put these plans into action as too might be the protection of those in high places. Both will be readily available if required. Contracts and travel are highlighted under this temporary influence.

SCORPIO. This is time for a major reassessment and the formulation of new plans, probably brought about by a general feeling of dissatisfaction with life. Remember to learn from past experiences – don’t go making the same mistakes all over gain. Also, try not to be in too much of a funny to put your new ideas into action because there are many alternatives to be explored and your first choice may not necessarily be the best.

SAGITTARIUS. Good fortune is the keyword which can manifest itself in various ways. It may come in the guise of a gift; or it could come out of the blue as the result of some happy accident of fate. However it does come, money will not be in short supply and you should enjoy this temporary period of affluence while it lasts. Try to put something away for a rainy day if you possibly can.

CAPRICORN. After a long period of difficulties some headway can now be made because a major obstacle will no longer stand in your way. Travel an/or a move of home may be necessary before even further progress can be made. But this is a matter for careful consideration and not to be made on the spur of the moment.

AQUARIUS. The opportunity could arise to use your talents to the full and even possibly to develop them even further by embarking on a training scheme of some kind as a private pupil or even as part of a group of like-mined individuals. Whatever transpires you should try to remain level-headed – if you allow matters to go to your head you could lose friends and possibly even make a few enemies by your change in attitude.

PISCES. This phase promises happiness as a reward for something done in the past. In fact, this is very much concerned with what happened before and how it will affect you both now and in the future. During this period an old idea will be reborn making a much greater impact the second time around because of some slight modifications you will choose to make to the original concept. A happy period although there could be that feeling of déjà vu about it all!

Friday, December 22, 2006
Here's wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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